Chapter 4- Confiding in friends

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Dakota's PoV

We have been filming for a couple of weeks now and it's all going well, but today I am nervous, we are filming Christian and Ana' first time the first sex scene, it isn't helping that I still keep feeling a spark every time Jamie touches me, Matt is annoying too. I need to talk to someone before I explode.
'Hey what's up' Eloise says making me jump
'Guess I am just nervous about filming today' I say and sigh, Eloise and I have become really close during filming.
'That's not it, c'mon you can tell me' she says and hugs me I take a big breath and decide to tell her about what I feel when I am around Jamie.
'It's such a mess, when Jamie and I first met, he shook my hand and I was sure that I felt a spark. I didn't think much of it but it keeps happening, he is married and I am with Matt. I am so confused' I get out so happy to get it off my chest.
'Dakota calm down ok, you maybe reading too much into it, maybe you just don't want to be with Matt anymore, plus like you say Jamie is married and he has his daughter too.' Eloise says in a sympathetic way.
'I know, I knew before I met him, maybe your right about Matt. I guess I just need to think about my relationship with him, thanks Eloise' I say and give her a hug and I smile a genuine smile, something I haven't been able to do since I first met Jamie and started feeling like this.
'No problem Dakota, just remember your head may tell you to do the sensible thing but it's your heart that you really need to listen to as you can only truly know what the heart wants if it's that you listen too' she says and hugs me back. We both say our see you tonight's as we are all meeting up again only this time I am not taking Matt, as Amelia will be there and I really don't want him to say anything stupid or embarrassing. I head off to film my scenes with Jamie just hoping that I can get through them, after all I didn't tell Eloise that the spark was stronger after we filmed the first kiss so god knows how I am going to handle seeing him naked, again I do what I have been doing since I first met Jamie I put my thought to one side and go and get ready.

Jamie's PoV

Filming has been going great, but I still keep feeling this spark between Dakota and myself. I thought that it would go after Amelia arrived but it didn't and if anything it has got stronger and especially when we filmed the elevator kiss it was stronger than ever. Today we are filming the first sex scene which means I will see Dakota naked for the first time and it makes me nervous something I have never felt before doing a scene like this. I need to talk to someone, normally I would go to my dad or my best friend Eddie, but it just feels too awkward to talk to them. I see Luke and and decide to ask him if I can talk to him, we get on well and he seems like a good bloke.
'Hey Luke, do you have time for a chat quickly' I say as I approach him.
'Sure mate, you look like you have the weight of the world on you what's up' he says and man slaps my shoulder I sigh and say
'It's Dakota, I can't be sure but I think I may be attracted to her and I mean in a way I shouldn't be because I am married' man that feels good to get off my chest
'Well she is attractive' he says back
'I think it's more than that, every time I touch her I feel a spark it's hard to explain' I sigh still unsure of what it means
'But Jamie she has a boyfriend and your married' Luke says
'I know I just wish it was simple and we were both single as I do defiantly find her more than just attractive oh shit did I just say that out loud'
'Yeah mate you kinda did, look talk to her it may be nothing but don't do anything stupid, however I will tell you what my mum says to me follow your heart not your head as you only know what your heart wants if you listen to it'
'Thanks Luke, see you tonight' he man hugs me and I go and get ready for filming hoping that I can get through the scene.
Luckily we get through the scene OK and we are all in the bar that we met in on the first night.
Dakota arrives on her own, she said that due to Amelia being there she didn't want to risk Matt being there and saying something he shouldn't. The night goes well and Dakota and Amelia are getting on well I don't know if that's good or bad. I look at Dakota and smile at her she smiles back, I then look to Amelia to say something and she has a strange look on her face, I shake it off and we have a few more drinks then we have to leave to get back for Dulcie, we don't say much and just go to bed I decide to leave it till the morning to find out what's wrong but I have a feeling I know what it is.

Hi hope you enjoy this chapter, I have nearly got the next one completed. Real life may mean I can't update tomorrow but will defiantly have next chapter up by Thursday x

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