Chapter 7- Telling Amelia

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Jamie's PoV

I leave set early as I didn't have many scenes today and they were done quickly. I head back to my flat, it has been a couple of days since I asked Amelia to come back and she is due to arrive today and even though I know this is the right thing to do it doesn't make it any easier. I  have already asked Dakota if I can see her later and she said it was fine and we have arranged for me to go to her place after I have talked to Amelia.
I walk in and once again I see Dulcie's pram letting me know that Amelia is already here, only this time I notice that she hasn't unpacked her suitcase which is next to the pram, Amelia walks in and we both sit down.
'Before you say anything Jamie I think that I can guess that you want to tell me that you have got feelings for Dakota and that you have spoken to her and she feels the same and you both want to pursue them' she says in a calm voice.
'Amelia I am so sorry I don't know why it happened it just did I never wanted to hurt you it just was something I couldn't stop' she looks at me and says something I didn't expect her to 'Jamie I know you, I could see it in your eyes that you liked her, you just needed someone to push you to admit it even if it meant that person was me' I am so shocked this is going so much calmer than I thought she carries on 'I won't fight you about seeing Dulcie she is always going to be your daughter, and in time she can spend more time with Dakota depending on what direction your relationship goes' she stands up and hugs me. 'I hope that she makes you happy Jamie'
'Thank you Amelia I hope you find someone who makes you happy too' I say while hugging her back, she goes on to say she has already made steps to get a divorce as she said deep down she knew I wanted to end it after I told her about my developing feelings for Dakota and that was why she decided to leave to give me space so I could work it out too.
'Goodbye Jamie, I will see you soon to make arrangements for you to see Dulcie' she leaves and takes Dulcie with her. I give myself a bit of time to digest how much better that went than I thought it would. I go into my bedroom, I remove my ring and get ready to see Dakota, I smile to myself thinking about what my future with her could be like, time for me to go and get my girl.

Dakota's PoV

I am sat waiting for Jamie, I really hope that it doesn't go to badly, my split with Matt was much simpler, we weren't married or had a child this can't be easy for Jamie or Amelia.
A knock at the door breaks me from my thoughts it's quite late so I guess it can only be Jamie I go and answer and Jamie is stood there.
'Jamie I have been so worried' I say and hug him, he walks in and we sit down he starts to tell me that it actually went better than he thought and that Amelia had her suspicions when she left to give him space, he carries on saying that she won't stop him seeing Dulcie, which I let out a sigh of relief, I am shocked when he says that Amelia has already started talking about the divorce but Jamie says that she just wants to make things easier for them both and Dulcie and that she will even do a quickie divorce to save dragging it out. It's only then I notice Jamie hasn't got his ring on.
'Jamie your ring, where is it?' I ask and I am sure he blushes before he answers
'I didn't think that it would be a good idea to be wearing my wedding ring when coming here, especially with what I wanted to ask you' he says and takes a big breath
'What is it Jamie you can ask me anything' I say and hold his hand. He lets out the breath he was holding and asks 'Dakota will you see where this goes and please be my girlfriend' he asks me looking like an embarrassed teenager
'Jamie I would love to see where this goes and be your girlfriend' he smiles at me and we cuddle on the sofa 'wait I need to make it official' Jamie suddenly says 'what do you mean' I say confused he leans down and gently kisses me on the lips and whispers 'just sealing you being my girlfriend with a kiss' he then pulls me to him and we fall asleep watching tv where I dream of a future with Jamie

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I also want to thank everyone for voting I hope to have another chapter up later today

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