Chapter 15-Annoucing the news

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Dakota's PoV

The weekend quickly arrived and we are waiting for Amelia to drop Dulcie off and we have decided to not just tell Dulcie about the baby but Amelia as well its not like we can hide it from her forever,but I will admit I am worried about how she will take it 'Dakota I can hear you thinking all the way over here' Jamie chuckles 'it will be fine I promise' he pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead 'I know it's just I don't want things to get awkward as they have been so amicable up till now' I sigh and snuggle into Jamie's embrace a bit more 'Dakota, Amelia knows we are married so she must have guessed that we have sex,I know that's an odd thing for me to say about my ex wife but it's true and Dulcie will be over the moon too' he says stroking my face 'I am sure I am worrying for nothing' I say 'I am more worried about your dad baby, after all I have got his little girl pregnant' Jamie jokes with a pretend scared look on his face 'Jamie my dad knows we are married and that we have sex' I tease saying his words back that he said about Amelia 'still baby,I am nervous I think they know something is happening and if they don't they will when they see everyone here'.
There is a knock at the door and I know it's Amelia and Dulcie Jamie must feel me tense against him 'relax baby I will do the talking if you want' I just nod and we go to the door

Jamie's PoV

I can't believe Dakota is nervous about telling Amelia, I am sure she will be happy she was fine when we got married. I open the door and see my baby girl 'dada' Dulcie babbles and holds her arms out for me to take her 'well have fun with daddy and koko' Amelia says going to leave, koko is the closest Dulcie can get to Dakota. 'Actually Amelia do you have time to come in I need to say something to Dulcie and you should hear it too' I hope that my voice doesn't make it sound too bad 'OK Jamie I have some time to spare' Amelia walks in and she smiles and greets Dakota who gives Amelia a nervous smile I mouth relax to her Dulcie sees Dakota 'koko' she babbles 'hey Dulcie' Dakota kisses her cheek and we go into the front room.
Dulcie is happily sitting on my lap,I take a breath 'Amelia we wanted you and Dulcie to be two of the first people to know that Dakota found out she is 8 weeks and she is due in October' I say without taking a breath. I feel Dakota squeeze my hand and I squeeze hers back 'Jamie,Dakota that's great news it means Dulcie will have a playmate' Amelia smiles. I feel all the tension leave Dakota 'thank you Amelia' Dakota whispers Amelia stands up and so does Dakota 'I truly am happy for you two' she hugs us both and we say our goodbyes to Amelia and go back and play with Dulcie 'baba' Dulcie babbles 'that's right sweetheart koko having a baba' she goes back to playing,I guess at only 16 months she doesn't really understand.
We have a great time with Dulcie including playing in the garden,she is now tucked up in her cot and I am on the sofa with Dakota 'mmhm' Dakota sighs contently 'are you ready to break the news tomorrow' I say 'yep I can't wait' she sounds so happy. I push her gently so she is lying on the sofa 'what are you up to Mr Dornan' she giggles and wiggles underneath me 'well when my wife was told she was pregnant she said she didn't know how it happened so I thought I would remind her' I say and wiggle my eyebrows and I undress her and remind her and then again when we make it to the bedroom.
'Dakota it looks fine' I say as she rushes round getting everything ready 'I just want it to be perfect' she rushes out 'it will be baby we are telling people the best news ever' I smile.
A bit later my dad and step mum arrive shortly followed by Dakota's parents and sibling and my two sister also arrive 'ok what have you got us all together for' Melanie says 'well' I stand up and take Dakota's hand 'we found out a week or so ago that Dakota is pregnant,she is due in october' I announce unable to keep the pride out of my voice 'um everyone did you hear what Jamie said' Dakota says as no one has said a word 'oh my god I am gonna have a grandchild' Melanie breaks the silence 'congratulations the two of you' she hugs Dakota then me,everyone else then does the same once the news has sunk in.
We have a great evening with our families who once again give us their congratulations as they leave.
We head upstairs and I check on Dulcie who is fast asleep,I walk into our bedroom and Dakota is sat on the bed looking at the scan photo 'it's really real' she whispers 'yes baby it is' I sit next to her and pull her onto my lap and into a hug 'I just hope everything goes ok I mean things can go wrong and your so happy' I cut Dakota off with a kiss 'baby it will all be fine in about 7 months we will have a perfect son or daughter now sleep' I say as I lead her under the covers 'I have forgotten how this happened again' Dakota giggles 'what am I going to do with you Mrs Dornan' I chuckle 'I can think of a few things' Dakota winks and I roll her onto her back and make slow love to her before pulling her to me and falling into a contented sleep

Hope you enjoy this chapter, I am working on the next one so hopefully it will be up soon. Again thank you for all your votes and comments

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