Chapter 3

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Meredith was hurrying to the hospital elevator as fast as her high heels allowed her to. Even after barely three hours of sleep she looked glamorous. She needed to look glamorous; it was the first real day of duty.

She stepped into the elevator before the door slid shut. It was already occupied by Mark Sloan (McSteamy), Cristina Yang (a cardio attending, right?) and Derek Shepherd (the jackass). Meredith lost a good part of the last night studying his report. Not that it was badly done, no. in fact, it was perfect. The man was really prepared to run the hospital; all the documentation for his department was impeccable. She had to strain herself to find something to reproach for.

"Good morning," said Meredith resolutely.

"Good morning, Dr. Grey," Mark gave her a full smile. The other two muttered unintelligible greetings clearly displeased with sharing the tiny space with her.

Asshole, thought Mer haughtily. I'll make him regret every word and every bad look. You'll suffer Shepherd, I promise! She was fully aware of her body's assets and of the influence they had on men. And Derek Shepherd was just a man, after all. She stood with her back towards the three doctors, her hair falling in cascades. Her hand rested on her hip slightly hitching her jacket. She shifted her body weight on one leg, pronouncing the roundness of her butt, covered by a short, closefitting skirt.

Meredith smiled triumphantly as she could always feel the hot gazes of the two males on her body. Cristina Yang groaned looking between Mark and Derek, both unashamedly checking up their boss.

Meredith turned abruptly to face them, her unbuttoned jacket revealing a deep cleavage. Derek managed to tear his eyes away but not without loosening the collar of his shirt.

"Dr. Sloan, you haven't handed in your report," she said with a tone demanding explanation.

"I was working all night to make it perfect for you, Dr. Grey," he replied flirtatiously.

"Then I expect it on my desk in an hour."

"Yes, Ma'am."

She was going to spend the day on paperwork; she barely scratched the surface the previous day. It wasn't the most exciting side of being the Chief, going through documents, forms, charts, bills… However, it was essential to be executed meticulously and orderly. Her hand itched to hold a scalpel but Meredith knew it wasn't meant for her today. The closest she'd get near the OR that day would be the gallery. She had to personally evaluate her subordinates.

Once she sat behind the desk in her huge leather chair, she let the arrogant smile she displayed for her employees fade form her face. Meredith Grey was confidence personified but she couldn't ignore the looks she was getting from the majority of the staff at the hospital. She read from them that her presence wasn't welcome.

Not that she cared about others' opinions; she just realized how difficult it would be to cooperate with people holding a grudge against her. However, that only strengthened her motivation. She had an objective; she was going to make Seattle Grace go higher in the rankings, no matter what. She had nine months until the publication of rankings. I'm just like a pregnant woman, she thought jokingly. And my baby's pretty huge. But you'll turn out healthy, right, baby?

A soft knocking pulled her out of her musings.

"Come in."

"Good morning, Dr. Grey," George O'Malley walked uncertainly into her office.

"Dr. O'Malley," she said coldly, "how can I help you?"

"Actually," his voice was hesitant. "I was wondering if you needed any help."

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