Chapter 45

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"Derek," Meredith whispered his name breathlessly as her fingers gripped the paper. "You... it's..." Her head shot up towards him.

His smile continued to be calm and gentle, his arms remained firmly wrapped around her.

"It's your dreamland," he said softly. "It's high time it's rightfully yours."

Her breath hitched when she moved her regard to the documents and back up at him.

"I... I can't, Der," she shook her head.

"Of course you can," he assured her peacefully. "You need to, you have to. It's where you belong, with me."

"But it's... so much," the hand she brought to her mouth shook emotionally. "It's your land, Derek. It's your property."

"Whatever's mine is yours," he murmured nuzzling his nose into her temple in anticipation. He hoped this statement would be soon confirmed by legally valid vows.

"Love," she tried to argue rationally. "You paid a lot of money for that piece of land, I can't just accept it for free. It's not a shiny necklace."

"I know it's not," he laughed easily. "It's our future home."

"Derek, I do want this," she pointed around with her hand. "I want to share this with you... if you let me pay-"

"No," he shook his head firmly. "Let me offer this one gift to you, let me give this to you as a..." he trailed off trying not to presume too much.

"As a what?" she asked curiously.

He chuckled with a slight shake of his head. "Please, Meredith. Accept this. You love this place, you claimed the ownership already with your heart."

She sighed yielding to his pleas. "It just doesn't seem fair..."

"We will split the costs when building the house," he proposed gently. "Speaking of which, that Valentine patrol guy? He was from the architect's office doing documentation to draw up the house plans; he agreed to do me this favor and prepare the surprise."

She looked up at him unsurely, her lip between her teeth. Her breath hitched, it was that moment, one of the moments that changed the course of your life. Finally, she smiled bravely and traced her name on the deed claiming her co ownership of Derek's land, their land. Her heart filled with inexplicable warmth and she thrown herself at him with a loud giggle, raining his face with kisses. He laughed heartily at her enthusiasm, deeply hoping it would last until he popped another question.

"God, you're so..." she trailed off shaking her head in wonder, lost for words as she climbed onto his lap.

"So what?" chuckled Derek.

"I'm a little afraid to feed your ego but I guess the occasion calls for it," she laughed, her arms tightly around his neck. "You're amazing, I don't know what I ever did to deserve you." Before he had any chance to reply she claimed his lips in a tempting kiss but when she backed away her forehead was creased in tiny frown. "Now, I'm not sure if I should even bother to show you my Valentine gift," she admitted apologetically.

"Why not?"

"Because it's... it's really small... and... well, small..." she said almost shyly. "And... I kind of made it myself..."

"You made it yourself?" he asked excitedly.

"Yeah..." she squeaked trying to avoid his curious gaze as it was making her blush. "I know it's more than cheesy... but I thought it was sweet... And it was just supposed to be a Valentine gift... and you gave me your land..."

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