Chapter 34

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"And Dr. Shepherd's team."

She could literally feel her blood drain from her face and her body cover in cold sweat.

"What?" she demanded shrilly facing the disheveled looking intern, challenging her, but pleading in reality, to say otherwise. "What do you mean Shepherd's team?"

"They're still in OR 2 operating on Dr. Bailey's husband," explained Dr. Lawrence. "I was sent to check the situation."

Meredith forced herself to breath in and out ... Derek was in the endangered area... operating next to a bomb...

She felt like she would die today... Not Derek. Derek was to be whole and healthy, and happy, not... a step from dying.

"Chief, the bomb squad just arrived," a nurse informed her.

Meredith nodded distractedly and ran off with a hasty "Excuse me". She needed to pull herself together instead of locking up in some secluded supply closet and indulging herself in a panic attack or a tear flood she craved so much right know. She couldn't act like a woman in love worrying about her man. She was the Chief, the leader figure. There were too many people depending on her. She had to carry the weight of this hospital on her shoulders on her own. And Derek... Derek wasn't technically even her man anymore. That said, it didn't stop the splitting pain from breaking her heart into thousand smithereens.

Making a brave face she entered the small conference room, now densely packed with bulky men in black uniforms.

"Gentlemen," she nodded in greeting. "I'm Dr. Meredith Grey, the Chief-"

"Wait, you're the Chief?" asked curiously one of them, an unmistakable claim for authority in his voice.

"Yes," she sighed, her lips closing in a dissatisfied thin line. On any other day, she'd show that arrogant ass who was in charge in here but in this very moment, it was all insignificant. It all paled against the fact that Derek was facing... No, she could not admit it, even in her thoughts. She had to concentrate on her job, nothing else for the moment. She couldn't be worrying about Derek as a person; as a surgeon, it was allowed. He was an invaluable element of her staff, a brilliant surgeon possessing million-dollar hands. That was all she could think about him right now if she wanted to stay sane.

"And who are you?" she demanded the tall black-haired man who had addressed her so impertinently.

"Dylan Young, bomb squad," he wasted no time in informing her. "As I understand the zone in direct risk has been evacuated with exception of the OR containing the explosive? Right now, we're going to check the area and then secure the patient. In the meantime, nobody gets close to that floor," he shot out and started giving directions to his men.

"No, No!" she managed to shout over, bringing back the squad specialists' attention before they left. "We... we thought everyone else except the OR 3 led by Dr. Hunt was evacuated." She took a deep breath, it felt almost painful, "We were mistaken."

"What do you mean?" Dylan demanded impatiently. "We were clearly informed everyone else evacuated."

"That's what we thought," explained Meredith, breathing regularly, fighting like hell to keep a cool head. "I've just been informed that there's another ongoing procedure... A brain surgery, in OR 2."

Dylan prompted one of his men out of the room with a nod of his head. "Why is that surgical team still out there? he barked out.

"I don't know," she gritted out. Every word of this conversation was pure torture. "He... must have underestimated the danger, he disregarded the code black."

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