Chapter 5

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"We should get another neurosurgeon on the team," said Derek carefully studying the scans of the tumor. He and Mark couldn't operate on their patient the whole week. Additionally to the inconveniently located tumor, it turned out that the 17-year-old Lisa had a heart defect which had to be taken care of before their procedure.

"Duck, quickly!" hissed Mark.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I have to nurture the shreds of reputation Dr. Model has left me with," muttered Mark watching two nurses pass by the door. "And being locked up with you in an exam room won't help."

Derek rolled his eyes; since the incident in the bar, Mark had been really touchy about it.

"Don't you roll your eyes on me. Your image might be irreparable; you haven't been seen with anyone for ages, whereas, I have everything to lose."

Derek snorted, "Oh, by that you mean the chances of getting into nurses' pants? I don't think your rumoured interest in blokes would put them off."

"Whatever," he shrugged his shoulders. "What were you saying about our patient?"

"I won't be able to do this alone. There's too much brain matter outside the cavity. We need another pair of hands."

Mark nodded and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the frantic beeping of their pagers.


Meredith Grey was bored out of her wits. Her eyes swept dully around the ballroom. It was the first social event she took part in while in Seattle and it turned out pretty… uneventful.

She accepted the invitation because it was a good occasion to gain new sources of financing for the hospital. The party was hosted by the mayor, which guaranteed the presence of important personalities and businessmen from the region. What a shame that they were all crashing bores.

Meredith preferred the hardened and disdainful faces of her subordinates at Seattle Grace; they were a challenge. Here, on the other hand, everyone was singing praises to her. She knew she should play along. If she made an effort, the money would be flowing.

Meredith spotted Addison giggling flirtatiously surrounded by a flock of men. At least her friend was having a good time.

"Dr. Grey."

She heard a pleasant voice behind her and turned to face a handsome young man with a charming smile whom she recognized as a successful entrepreneur the mayor presented to her at the beginning of the party.

"Mr. Dandridge," she replied.

"How's your evening?"

"It's… interesting," the mildest lie she could think of.

"Which means it is not," grinned Dandridge.

Meredith scanned his form in wonder. She could take their banter onto the level of flirting and then maybe something more. However, Finn was a prefect prince charming… too charming. He seemed like a good boy and unfortunately, she craved for a bad-ass dark-haired neurosurgeon that infuriated her half the time she spent in the hospital.

Meredith kept telling herself that one night with him, duh, one time with him, would surely get her over but quenching her desires was not an option. She preferred to be sexually frustrated rather than humiliated. He probably wouldn't be any good anyway. She would just have to wait patiently for the attraction to wear off or for someone else to capture her attention.

"No one has probably noticed," said Finn quietly with a hint of amusement in his eyes, "that you labeled the cream of the Seattle society as stiff bores."

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