Chapter 50

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"All in all, I think it would be nice if we remembered the occasion," concluded Izzie Stevens with a smile. "One year anniversary is small and big at the same time, right, Dr. Bailey?"

"You just want to get your way into her bachelorette party," smirked Cristina. "I bet it's going to be the bash of the year."

"I do not!" huffed the blonde. "I just think it's an important occasion and a way to remind everyone how much Seattle Grace has changed during the year she's been here."

"Yeah, yeah, you can count me in," agreed Cristina. "Just nothing over the top like on Christmas, please."

"Christmas was-" However, Cristina and a few other people gathered around never learnt what exactly Christmas was like as Izzie was violently interrupted by a clear commanding voice addressing one of the nurses at the station.

"Dr. Grey, where is she?"

The young nurse just appointed the day before jumped in her chair and looked quizzically up at the enraged woman across the counter.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" asked Cristina with a low voice. "Is that really the wicked witch, senior?"

"Oh, shit," stated George accurately. "The Chief didn't say anything she was coming..."

"Do you have a speech deficiency?" Ellis Grey asked pitilessly. "I clearly asked you where Dr. Grey was. Aren't you competent enough to give this kind of information? What kind of nurse are you?"

Dr. Grey... But there were two Dr. Greys.... The nurse's face scrunched in troubled concentration. She finally decided on the Chief.

"She's... ugh, she's in the office," she stammered fearfully, "down the hall..."

"Now, was it that hard?" scorned Dr. Grey, walking away.

The group didn't even recover from the sudden appearance when another followed swiftly. Several pairs of eyes opened wide seeing the former chief, Richard Webber, hastily catching up with Dr. Grey, looking anxious and agitated.

"Ellis, please. Don't be rush, we can sit down and calmly talk it-"

"You know when was the time to talk, Richard?" she asked harshly. "You had a chance to talk for the past few months you were in Boston. But you preferred to cover up that sordid affair so now it's a good time for you to shut up!"

The hall remained silent until they both disappeared from sight only to burst in wild buzzing of gossip.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming," said Cristina excitedly.

"That was... Dr. Grey... Ellis... and Dr. Webber... right?" frowned George.

"What is Webber doing here?" Izzie wondered aloud. "We haven't seen him for ages."

"Use your brain cells, Iz," snorted Cristina. "He was running at Grey's heels, pretty much like Shepherd."


"Yup, looks like the mother and the daughter are more alike than we thought. Who knows, maybe we'll have a double wedding," she laughed.

"I just remembered something," frowned Izzie. "The Chief and Derek went to her office together... making googly eyes at each other... And you know what that means..."

"Ooops," snorted Cristina and shouted over to the nurse that was manhandled by Ellis, "Hey, you! You sent her to the wrong Grey!"

"What?! No!" the young woman brought a hand to her mouth in fear.

"Know what? Page little Grey to the Chief's office, stat. Maybe you can save your life."

"You're evil," George shook his head in amazement.

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