Chapter 16

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Mark Sloan got out of his car and straightened his shirt, careful not to drop the bottle of the best wine he could find in his favorite liquor store in Seattle. Normally, nothing would perturb his bliss at the prospect of spending an evening with a girl he liked at her place. But normally, he wouldn't have to have dinner with his girlfriend's best friend that was also his boss.

Thank god, Addison said there would also be Dr. Grey's date. Come to think about, that must be one poor fellow. Meredith Grey was a scary woman with an even scarier mother. Although, the sex might make up for the disadvantages.

He almost kicked himself. He wasn't supposed to think like a manwhore any longer but hell, he was horny. Addison allowed him closer to her but was still keeping him on distance in one respect. Unfortunately, nothing pointed that something might change after this evening.

The door opened and he sent a charming smile at his chief, "Dr. Grey."

"We're not at Grace, are we," she chuckled. "So it's Meredith."

"Mark," he nodded and relaxed a little. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

"Mark," Addie came over offering a chaste kiss on his cheek. "You're just in time! You brought wine. We have to open it later. We're eating in the dining room, it's just this way," she put a hand on his shoulder and steered him out of the hall when he was met with the most unusual sight.

He stopped abruptly near the door, his slack jaw falling down. Derek was standing at the table with a small smile and was opening a wine bottle.

"You've finally graced us with your presence," he shot merrily at his best friend.

Mark gaped at him openmouthed, looked at his two female hosts and then back at Derek, realization hit him like a speeding train.

"You son of a bitch!" he growled and lunged himself at Derek.

Derek hastily put down the bottle with a thud and tried to escape behind the table but Mark was quicker. He hooked his arm around Derek and tried to beat the shit out of him mostly for show though.

"You've been... messing with me!" he panted through gritted teeth. "And I was worried sick!"

Derek howled with laughter blocking Mark's ineffectual hits.

"Kids, you think you can stop playing now and join us at the table?" Meredith's question made them still abruptly and rearrange their clothing, clearing their throats.

"Hot," whispered Addie into Meredith's ear putting the cutlery on the table. "You think you can order them to resume that after dinner?"

Meredith giggled, "We'll see."

The four of them sat down at the table in tensed silence, though it was rather caused by stifled hilarity than awkwardness.

Mark kept shaking his head at Derek, awe mixed with bewilderment when he couldn't hold on any longer. "So how long has this doctorcest been going on?" he groaned making the rest of the table erupt in laughter.

"I'm sorry, Mark" Derek said seriously, "I didn't want to lie but-"

"But I told him to," Meredith cut him across firmly. "It was my condition."

"I bet you're walking on a tight leash," Mark snickered at Derek.

"We're good?" asked Derek.

"Yeah," Mark rolled his eyes. "What would you do without me? If it hadn't been for me, you'd have been dead on your first day in high school, you and your af- Ouch!"

Derek kicked him in the shin under the table preventing embarrassing memories from resurfacing.

"You'd like a moment alone, perhaps?" asked Meredith innocently.

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