Chapter 39

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An animalistic growl escaped from Derek's throat as his fingers fumbled blindly to open Meredith's shirt.

"Fuck," he muttered with annoyance, struggling with the tiny buttons. He should be ashamed. He was a surgeon, a neurosurgeon to be precise. Yet, at 12.43 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, in one of the on-call rooms in Seattle Grace Hospital in Seattle, Washington, when everybody else was having lunch except him and Meredith, the task of taking her top off slipped out of the range of his abilities. He mourned her scrubs. He didn't exactly care what she wore, she looked sexy no matter what. But scrubs, they were all about easy access.

Derek would give much for easy access right now. His entire body was tense to the limits, glistening with a sheen of sweat. He was going insane with Meredith writhing underneath him and her hips rocking upwards to his erection that he was pretty sure had never been this hard before. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he was afraid that his balls might explode, literally.

It was one week after their long-awaited reunion in the locker room, a sweet period of readjustment, shy looks, sweet kisses, teasing, feeling up here and there, napping in on-call rooms together... Did that sound innocent enough? Because it was. Whenever things got too heated up, Meredith pulled away in a jump, almost immediately.

First, she said she wanted to go slow. Then, during an accidental encounter in a supply closet, she declared that slow was overrated. Unfortunately, when they were quite far into their activities, his pager went off and he had no other option than to check up on his patient, with a quick stop at the bathroom to deal with the hard tent that was bulging at the front of his pants. Derek hoped to get back to business that evening but she nervously informed him she had gone off the pill while they were broken up. The following day, Derek thoughtfully equipped them with a pack of condoms which... didn't exactly prove necessary as Meredith was busy, whatever that implied. Then Addison decided she was going to move out soon and they all had to give her a helping hand with decorating her apartment. The very next night they had the whole house only for themselves; they ended up in her bed but Meredith, flustered and jumpy, whispered that she had a headache... and that was the moment when Derek's ego started to feel uncomfortable. No need to mention what other part of him was suffering an exquisite torture.

Derek tried not become overly concerned with the fact that his girlfriend, as least he suspected that was what she was to him again, well, his insatiable, constantly horny, sexy girlfriend who never said no, so to speak..., didn't want to make love to him. However, the frustration and a serious case of blue balls weren't his biggest problem. There was another one. Derek felt there was a gap between them. Where was that easy-going atmosphere, the ability to convey their intentions without words, the simple joy coming from their closeness? He didn't have any idea. He saw clearly instead the awkwardness that sometimes crept into their relations. Derek figured with resignation that it had to do with Meredith's lack of trust in him. She probably needed more time to let him in completely.

And maybe it was the moment to let him in a little bit more... he thought as Meredith's moans played in his ears. No, she was past moaning, she was mewling breathlessly. Her little sounds of pleasure and her hands that were roaming his bare chest blindly pushed the doubts momentarily out of his head.

At long last, he pulled her shirt open triumphantly. How could she not want this? Her skin was flushed from the heat born from the friction between their bodies. Her exposed chest rose and fell erratically as her plump lips tried to catch more air. He gave her no reprieve as his head dived towards her clavicle but soon moved down. Their second first time should probably be something more romantic than a quickie in an on-call room but he was beyond caring, just too caught up with their passion. His hand fought once again with her clothing. In the blink of an eye, his fingers moved on from her knee under her skirt to her inner thigh, lifting her leg up around his waist. As he grazed the glorious wetness on her lingerie, he was sure they finally hit the moment...

Don't mess with the Grey.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ