Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Can we talk about how adorable he is for a moment here?

Chapter Seventeen:

they'll be great, dani

*time skip: four months pregnant*

I laid back on the couch, looking at the television.

"Calum should be here soon," Max smiled, walking into the living room where I was laying.

Calum and I had bought an apartment to live in a little while back when I had reached two months pregnant. It was a small, but cute little place and I absolutely loved it (A/N: Imagine Zoella's apartment before she moved into a house with Pointlessblog aka Alfie).I had also told my parents that I was pregnant, and my mother was absolutely overjoyed to say the least. She thought it was about time that I had settled down, though she was a bit upset I was having a child before marriage.

My dad, on the other hand, was none too pleased. He didn't talk to me for a week once he found out, which was upsetting and stressful to say the least. I knew that I couldn't be stressed since it was harsh on the baby, but I was really upset that my dad didn't want to talk to me. But after a stern talk with Calum, my dad grew happy for us, which lifted off a lot of stress for me.

There was still the stress of moving, and Calum and I still had some boxes to unpack and everything, but other than that, everything was fine. Max had been coming over regularly to watch over me whilst Calum went out with the guys to having writing sessions or other things to help keep their careers going.

"Alright," I yawned, placing my hand on my stomach. There was a bump now and Calum was in love with it to say the least. He would always be sure to caress it and be gentle with it, always mumbling words to our baby. It was adorable, and it made me happy to see how excited he was for the baby to be born.

"You tired?"

I nodded, "Like you wouldn't imagine. It's so difficult to find a comfortable position to lay in with this little baby bump making my every position extremely difficult."

Max giggled slightly as she slipped on her coat, "I bet. Anyways, I better get going. Kian and I have date night tonight."

"Alright, you two better get married some day. You've been dating for almost six years now," I smiled and sent her a small wave before she walked out of the door. After I moved out, Max had decided we should sell the apartment so that's what she did. Kian thought since they had been dating for such a long time, it was only right for them to move in with eachother which I thought was adorable.

I hadn't really talked with Jacob much after he found out I was pregnant, which was upsetting. He had literally been my friend since we were in diapers. We were friends in daycare and he would kick any guy who would tease me. I thought out of everything, he would be happy for me but I guess not.

Since my belly had been growing so much, I hadn't really felt like moving a lot but I figured that I could get up to make Calum and I dinner since he'd probably had a long day.

I mean, if messing around with your bestfriends counts as a long day. I shrugged and sluggishly made my way over to the fridge. I didn't feel like making anything fancy so I guess pasta would do fine. I grabbed my few ingredients to make my family recipe pasta sauce. It was special to me so I used it when ever I ate pasta and I'm sure Calum would love it too.

I shuffled my way over to the pantry and grabbed the box of pasta noodles that Calum and I ironically both loved before grabbing a pot to boil them in. Calum would be home shortly meaning I had about thirty minutes before he'd be home.

Several minutes later, I was stirring my pot of sauce with a bit of swear dotting my forehead. The steam from the pot was rising and hitting me square in the face which wasn't the most pleasing thing in the world to be honest, but I could deal with it.

"Honey I home!" Calum sang as the door opened and closed. I smiled and shook my head at his cheesy ways before opening my mouth to speak.

"I'm in the kitchen!"

Within seconds Calum appeared in the kitchen with a huge smile plastered on his face, "Do my eyes deceive me or is Danielle Hill actually cooking a meal?"

I laughed and sent him a quick glare before smiling again, "Oh shush. I thought it'd be nice to make you a meal."

Calum walked up to me before leaning down and planting a kiss on my stomach making me smile. He did this every time he saw me. When we woke up: kiss on the stomach. When I'm brushing my teeth: kiss on the stomach. When he gets home: kiss on the stomach. It was adorable, "Why thank you my lovely. I can't wait to see what gender the baby is."

"Ah ah ah, remember what Max and my mother made us promise?" I tsk'd as I turned back around to the pot of sauce.

"Right right. The cake thing," Calum shook his head before running a hand through his hair.

"Oh don't be like that you noob. Besides, who doesn't like a little surprise?"

"I just want to know what sport I need to get the baby interested in," Calum chuckled.

"You'll find out soon," I smiled as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I hope so. But I know that whatever gender our child is, they'll be the best child in the world."

"Next to the Beckham children of course," I smiled. "But yeah. They'll be great."

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