Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One:

is someone a whiny baby, calum

"Target locked," Michael whispered, pulling the trigger on his Nerf gun.

The styrofoam bullet zoomed across the room, hitting Ashton in the back of the head with a pang.

"Abandon mission!" I yelled, standing up and pulling back the plastic bit that allowed me to fire the bullets from my gun. "Abandon mission!"

Michael and I jumped over the counter and ran down the hallway. I motioned with my head as I turned a sharp corner into the master bed room.

"Under the bed," I whispered, quickly slipping to the ground and crawling under mine and Dani's king sized bed. Michael soon squeezed in after me and we looked at each other.

"I think they went in here," I heard Luke's voice.I placed my finger over my mouth and Michael nodded. This was extremely serious.

Nerf battles were extremely serious and the stakes were high. Whoever won, gets to choose the baby's middle name and I was not going to let anyone other than me choose. The other issue is, we can turn on our teammates at any given moment, and I know that Michael had some crazy idea for the baby's middle name.

"Three," Michael whispered.

My head snapped over in his direction wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Two... one," he rolled out from underneath the bed and screamed, "Pubes shall be the name!"

I heard Styrofoam bullets hitting people and the 'manly' cries from Luke and Ashton. I quickly rolled out from underneath the bed and looked around. Luke and Ashton were cuddled on the floor and Michael was missing.

"He really wants my kid to have the middle name 'Pubes'?" I sighed, grabbing Ashton's hand and helping him to his feet. He grabbed Luke's hand and helped him up on his feet as well.

"I guess so," Luke smiled, clicking his gun and aiming it at me.

"That was a mistake," I lifted my gun and grabbed Ashton, bringing him closer to me to act as a shield. "Shoot, you hit your teammate."

"Meh," Luke shrugged.

"But Lashton," Ash whined.

I shook my head and let go of Ashton, before darting out of the room. Luke and Ashton were pretty much losing so it was down to me and Michael.

"What the hell!"

I raised one of my eyebrows and walked quietly toward the voice.

"Not one step," I stood up straight as I felt the tip of a plastic gun hit my back. I quickly spun around and raised one of my eyebrows when I saw Dani.

"Isn't this a bit dangerous for you playing with us?" I asked, pointing my gun at her.

She had one the female branded Nerf guns in her hand. Well, it wasn't really a gun. It was one of the branded Bows. It was pretty cool to be honest.

"Maybe," She shrugged with one of her shoulders, keeping her bow aimed at me. "Maybe not, either way, Nicole has yet to be hit, and so I have I. You're not going to win this one."

"How are you so sure?" I raised one of my eyebrows, a smirk making its way on to my lips.

Dani tilted her head to the side, copying my smirk mixed with an amused smile, "Now!"

I tilted my head in confusion only before I felt dozens of Nerf bullets pelting me in the back. I hunched over slightly, ducking my head until the massacre was over before turning around. Nicole was laughing hysterically holding a Nerf Machine gun in her hand and Dani was laughing too.

"Michael forfeited by the way," Nicole smirked, blowing off the "smoke" form the toy. "Looks like we won. So Dani, you have full control over what your baby's middle name is."

"It's an honor," Dani bowed before walking up to me and linking her left arm with my right, "I already have a name picked out."

"And what would that be?" I questioned, looking down at her.

"You'll just have to wait until the grand day of when I give birth," she smirked, unlinking her arm and walking off, proudly.

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