Chapter Twenty-Four

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A/N: One more chapter after this then the epilogue. Are you prepared? Also this chapter is dedicated to two people. The first is drunkasshood  for having been reading along for a long time and sticking with my writing since pretty much the beginning. That and she also reads my Michael book that I'm writing. And the second is to rheahemmings21  since she had come across Not A Fan and voted on every single chapter. She's not a silent reader either which I appreciate a lot actually.

Chapter Twenty-Four:

*-insert time warping sounds- more time skipping*

is this the one, dani

"Ah! I can't believe you're wedding is in a few months!" Max laughed, taking a sip from her champagne glass

"I know! I never thought I would be getting married, let alone to a celebrity!" I smiled.

Today was dress shopping day and I knew it would be a long, long day. I was with my mom, Calum's mom, Nicole, and Max. I was also excited because Luke and Ashton's girlfriends were coming along. We had quickly become friends and they were always there for me when I needed a last minute babysitter for Kodah.

Kodah is growing up and he's now two years old. I was worried at first that this age would be a nightmare to deal with, but he's just a precious little boy and I'm glad that Calum and I are raising him properly.

"We're here!" Ashton's girlfriend, Safiya, smile rushing into the bridal store with Luke's girlfriend, Katherine, following after her quickly.

"Sorry we're late, traffic was terrible," Katherine apologized, running a hand through her hair.

"Mommy can I have a cracker?" Kodah looked up at me. Calum thought it would be nice for Kodah to come with us while I was trying on dresses because he likes seeing me put on my makeup every morning.

"Of course baby," I smiled, grabbing a few crackers from the platter that was in front of us and handing them to him. "And don't worry about it. I wasn't going to try on dresses without you guys."

"I still can't believe my baby is getting married," My mom sniffled, fanning her eyes.

"I still can't believe Calum's letting you get two dresses," Nicole laughed, shaking her head.

"He claims he doesn't want to dance with the big dress at the reception so he wants me to get a short dress to dance in," I shrugged, bouncing Kodah up and down on my leg. "I don't even understand the need for two dresses in all honesty. I don't need two of them."

"Well if your reception dress is good enough, you can rock it on the red carpet with Calum," Safiya smiled, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh please, the 5sos fandom still doesn't know about us and I think we're going to keep it a secret until after the wedding," I shook my head. "It's going to be a while before I 'rock' anything on the red carpet."

"Whatever you say, but none of us are rocking the red carpet with our boyfriends without you," Nicole clapped her hands together, "Now, let's get started."

"Mommy's going to go try on some dresses," I looked down at Kodah.

"Is mommy going to look like a princess?" Kodah asked, turning his head slightly to look up at me.

The group of girls awed as I brushed a piece of hair out of Kodah's face, "Maybe. We'll keep looking until I do." I smiled.

Kodah clapped his hands and smiled, "Yay! Mommy's going to look like a princess!"

I smiled and lifted him up before handing him off to my mom. The lady who worked her smiled at me and nodded her head before walking off toward the back. I followed after her sighing as the seemingly endless hunt for a wedding dress began.

. . .

"I don't think I'm going to be able to find the one," I sighed standing on the little pedestal.

The girls sighed and mumbled amongst themselves when Kodah suddenly jumped from my mom's lap and ran toward the back.

"Kodah buddy what are you doing?" I hopped of the pedestal and followed after him the best I could with the mermaid cut dress I was wearing.

"This one!" Kodah pointed to one dress. I looked at it on the rack and furrowed my eyebrows.

"Could I try this one on please?"

"Of course," The sales clerk walked up the dress and pulled it off the rack.

"Go sit with Nana, okay Bubba?" I knelt down slightly to Kodah's height.

"Okay mommy!" Kodah smiled before skipping off back to the main room to the other girls.

The clerk helped me change into the dress that Kodah pointed at and I had to say, for a two year old, he had some great choices.

It was a strapless dress that was almost like a ball gown, with its empire cut and tulle bottom. It was gorgeous and actually made me look like a princess. I guess Kodah was one hundred percent serious on me wanting to look like a princess. The torso has some bedazzling on it and there was a silver bedazzled belt that cropped the torso from the skirt.

"Everyone close your eyes," I told them before I walked out. I wanted them to be surprised because I was almost positive that this dress was the one.

I slowly walked up onto the pedestal and smoothed out the skirt a little bit, "Okay open."

"Mommy looks like a princess!" Kodah yelled out, clapping his hands together.

"Oh my god you look beautiful!" Calum's mom, Joy, gasped out.

The other girls were squealing and clapping their hands together all talking over eachother which I found hilarious.

"Is this the one?" My mom asked me, standing up and coming over to me -- after placing Kodah down in her seat.

"I think so," I smiled and nodded my head.

Max, Nicole, and Safiya all squealed before falling into a fit of giggles. Katherine smirked and crossed her arms, "Great. Now on to the matter of the reception dress." she smirked.

Very quickly, very annoyed groans filled the air.

This was going to take a long time.

A/N: Oh my god it's another authors note run for your lives!

*sighs and shakes head* I think I'm funny.

Anyways, chapter twenty five will be the last chapter of the book other than the epilogue. Warning that after that it might take a while for me to start the third book because I want to go back and edit. So you have been warned.

I might also put in some deleted scenes that might've been in the book, but didn't feel like doing. If you want that leave a comment right here:

I'm also thinking of doing a character ask but I know it's not going to happen but if you would like to see that leave a comment right here:

I think that is all so I will see you all soon!

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