Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: YOU GUYS! IM SO HAPPY. SO NOT A FAN HIT 4K READS AND GUYS I CANT BELIEVE IT! YOU GUYS ARE SO AMAZING! also maybe comment baby boy names or something, that's cool too.

Chapter Nineteen:

such a crazy family, dani

I walked into the second bedroom in our apartment with a little tray that held five glasses of lemonade. My mom always knew a great little way to make the perfect lemonade.
It was about a week after the baby shower and Calum and the rest of the guys were currently trying to build the crib.

"Michael what did you do with the fucking instructions?!"

"I used them to wipe my ass you ass."

"Michael we needed those you little shit!"

"He he. Shit."

"Would you guys calm down! They're right here!"

I rolled my eyes with a small smile at their childish arguing, "I hope you guys won't be cursing like sailors when the baby gets here." I glanced at Michael who started whistling before looking away. "Anyways, I brought you some lemonade. Are you guys sure you don't want any help?"

Calum smiled and took the tray from my hands before setting it on the ground, "I'm sure babe. I don't want you to risk getting hurt or injuring our little boy."

"Well remember, I helped my brother make his tree house when I was fourteen," I crossed my arms before taking the drink Luke held out to me.

"I think we'll be fine. We've got our manly man muscles," Luke flexed making me roll my eyes.

"Good luck. Sounds like you're making a lot of progress in here," I smirked before walking out of the room.

The box had barely been open and there were screws every where. I was slightly worried they'd end up hurting themselves over anything. Maybe we should've bought a pre-built crib or something like that.

I walked into the living room to talk with Nicole again. We decided it would be nice to just hang out the two of us and I was happy.

"So, when do you think Connor is going to ask you out?" I smiled, sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Connor? Please, there's no way we're ever going to go out. We're like siblings," Nicole laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

I sighed and shook my head, "He told me that he's liked you since sophomore year."

"He did?" Nicole looked up. "I guess it makes sense seeing as he made me quit my job at the tattoo place because there were too many guys working there."

"Woah wait what? He did that?" I blinked, setting my drink down on a coaster.

"Well that's a douche move," Nicole and I turned our heads to see Michael standing there and wiping his hands with a rag. "Anyways, Dani..."

"I'll be back," I stood up and walked passed Michael into the future nursery. Luke and Ashton were laughing while Calum was holding his thumb. "You hit your finger with the hammer didn't you?"

Calum nodded slightly and I smiled with a small laugh, "Don't laugh. It hurts."

"I'm sorry whittle baby," I pouted and walked over to him and sunk down to the ground the best I could with the baby bump. I placed a kiss to his thumb and he smiled.

"I told you that she should've helped us. But no you had to be a manly man and build the crib on your own," Luke sighed, shaking his hands in the air dramatically before exiting the bedroom. "Holy mother of--!"

Calum, Ashton and I all exchanged glances before rushing out of the room to see what Luke was looking at.  Luke stood at the end of the hallway, not moving.

"Luke?" Ashton asked.

Luke didn't respond, just lifted his arm and pointed. The three of us walked up closer to him to see.

"What the--" I blinked rapidly, trying to figure out what was in front of me.


Nicole and Michael were sat on the couch, practically eating each others faces but quickly jumped apart when they heard us. I put my hands in the air and turned, "Nope. Not dealing with it. You guys have to figure this one out on your own." I quickly walked into the future nursery before anything else could happen.

Holy shit, we're going to be such a crazy family.

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