Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two:

*more time skipping because i'm lazy*

it's time, dani

"I'm going to go find our seats, get me a medium Mr. Pibb if they don't have Dr. Pepper," I smiled and pecked Calum on the cheek.

Calum had decided it would be nice to go to a movie before the baby was born since we knew that we wouldn't be able to do so for a long time after he was born.

(A/N: okay, I did the math and everything and figured out that the baby would end up being born sometime in December of 2016 but I don't want to go so far ahead in the future so just go along with what's happening. It's going to be the current time it is for me so around July and August of 2016 so just roll with me here please.)

I thought it was a nice idea but the only downside was making sure the public didn't notice who we were. People were still blowing up about Calum and I though we haven't told them anything. They don't know that we're in a relationship or soon to be married. We've also agreed that we would wait until the baby was around two or three before we got married since we didn't feel like it would be the wisest for us to get married when he's super young.

I walked into where our movie would be showing, and headed toward the top row. I wanted to see Suicide Squad, but Calum didn't think it was a good idea since I was technically about to pop any day. I was excited and scared for when the baby would be here. Excited because I'd be able to hold my son but nervous because I was scared to go through the birth giving process and I was scared that I would be a terrible mother.

Everyone's been telling me otherwise, but I can't help but think it.

I took a seat and closed my eyes, blocking out the sound of previews because I honestly didn't really care about them.

Shortly, Calum arrived with the drinks and popcorn just as the movie was about to start playing.

"Thank you," I smiled, taking the drink from his hand and placing it in the cup holder.

. . .

We were half way into the movie -- The Secret Life Of Pets -- when I started to fill sick.

"I'll be right back," I whispered to Calum.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, looking over at me. The movie light wasn't very bright, but it was bright enough for me to see that a look of concern had washed over his face.

"Yeah, bathroom," I nodded, though I wasn't entirely sure if I was okay.

I carefully walked down the isle way before walking out of the theater. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light before hastily making my way to the nearest bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom I went to the largest stall and felt slightly glad that no one else happened to be in the room at the time.

I leaned over the toilet, waiting for vomit to spurt out but was surprised when nothing happened. I gasped in shock when a strong wave of pain rushed through my body.

What was happening?

I heard water splatter and looked down. There was a puddle of water on the floor by my feet.

"Oh my god," I breathed out. "My water broke."

I fumbled around my bag for my phone and pulled it out quickly. Do I call an ambulance or do I call Calum first?

My fingers fumbled across the screen on my phone, making up my choice for me easily.

I waited a few seconds before the dial picked up, "Dani?"

"Calum, my water broke."


"The baby's coming. It's time."

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