Chapter Two

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Player Two: Ross

(A/N At least five chapters were pre-written before Max and Ross left the offices. So please don't snap at my throat if some things in this chapter are no longer accurate. Oh. And sorry. This one's a bit short)

Today hadn't been too exciting. Adam, of course, was pissed about our late appearance. He'd said that the next time we were late, he'd fire us all. But Tim, Max and I knew he was bluffing. Adam's too nice of a guy to put us out of our jobs.

Other then that, nothing exciting's gone on. We did our daily recordings, and the editors did their editing. I sigh as a spin around in my office chair, waiting for Adam to dismiss us. Right when I was about to get up and leave, Adam came in holding a camera. He must be vlogging for SkyDoesThings.

"So guys, I'd like to show you da narwhal we all know and love..." Adam took in a deep breath.

"ROOOOOOOS!!" he hollers.

"Actually, I'm not Ross. I'm a homeless dude from the streets" I say, putting on an old man's voice.

"Whatever, Ross. Anyways... I'd like to tell you something"

"The fuck you want?" I ask.

"Ooh. So aggressive, Ross" Adam says while closing the door behind him.

I impatiently tap my foot "Come on. Spit it out"

"Well... you can't leave the offices" he announces.

I raised my eyebrows.

"W-what?" I stammer, dumbfounded.

"You can't leave. Unless.... you do something for me" he drawls on wickedly.

"And, what is that?" I question with caution.

"You, my friend... HAVE TO GIVE A LITTLE KISS FO MAX!" He shouts.

I stood there with wide eyes, completely bewildered.

I soon come to my senses, and glare at him. "What the hell, Adam?? Why are you making me do this, you bitch?!"

"This be your punishment for being late. Tim and Max can't leave either, unless you give Maxie a little kiss. For Mithross, Ross!! For Mithross!!!" He yells, laughing.

I think about it. Kiss Max or not leave... What would I be going home to? We still have some leftover food from lunch we could eat, so we don't have to leave.... And suddenly, and image of a furry face with bright green eyes popped up.

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