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Since the next chapter will take a bit of time, I thought this would be fun to do. It'll give you a better perspective of their personalities ;u; Plus these are cool

Can't tell the full reasoning behind some of these because spoilers ;D;

Who's more likely to find who wearing their clothes? Max tbh bc Ross likes pissing off Max the tsundere 7u7

Who enunciates hand holding? Max. Ross is too reserved to start hand holding but he enjoys it nonetheless ;u;

Who likes having their hair washed by who? Well Ross would probably like washing Max's hair and Max would enjoy it too. Come on people lOOK AT THE SOFT GINGER HAIR IT'S FLUFFY HAVE YOU NOT SEEN HIS HAIR.

Who likes to slow dance? Both tbh. Max is more likely to suggest it though.

Muse that's more likely to fall asleep with their head in the others lap? Max because of a certain memory. I would say what that memory is but I can't spoil future chapters >:^)

Muse that does all the cuddling in a blanket fort? Max since Ross is too shy and timid in general when it comes to physical affection rip

Who hogs most of the covers at night? Ross no Ross pls smh

Muse who nuzzles the others shoulder to get them to give them a head rub? Max. The reason will be stated in a future chapter ;)))

How do they share a dessert? Two forks or one? They're both sanitary they get two forks.

Who gets jealous more easily? Max the overprotective bean. Ross is rly chill lmao

Who gets angered more easily? I think we all know the answer to this question

How do they go to sleep at night? Cuddling, then sleeping.

Who gets the most shoulder rubs? Oh hello there Ross. Alot of the questions involving physical affection apply to Max rOSS DON'T BE SHY JUST GO RUB YOUR HEAD AGAINST MAX'S SHOULDER IT'LL BE ADORABLE

What are their arguments/fights like? They'd both be yelling. Ross usually starts it unintentionally ;v; They'd both be hurt in the end, the amount depending on how serious the fight is

How often do they fight? Ross likes getting on Max's nerves so they'll bicker but not legitimately fight oh no those are rare

Who is more likely to throw things in fights? TBH I CAN SEE THEM BOTH THROWING THINGS BUT I'D SAY MAX WOULD STRIKE FIRST

How do they make it up to each other/apologize after an argument? They'd both talk from the heart. Max would show a lot of physical affection and Ross will do whatever Max wants to make him happy for like a week.

Do they have nicknames for each other? Max hates nicknames. But sometimes Ross will call Max "Maxie" or "My Crazy Ginger" because he likes nicknames lol.

Caring for each other while ill, how does the other muse go about it? Max will fuss a lot and treat Ross like royalty. Ross would know the best remedies. Reasons contain spoilers so-

Who's more likely to be patching the others wound? Ross. But again. Reasons contain

s p o i l e r s

Muse that says 'I told you so', after they come home from the beach and other muse is burnt to a crisp while whining how bad it hurts for not listening and putting on sunblock after the other muse repeatedly told them they'd get burnt? ROSS BC MAX IS REDHEADED HE'LL BASICALLY LOOK LIKE HE VISITED THE SUN. ALSO MAX IS P STUBBORN LMAO

Your otp has a newborn baby, who gets up in the middle of the night when he/she cries? Max. Ross sleeps too heavily r i p

Your muse of the otp's reaction to finding the others crying about something? Max likes hiding his emotions but isn't very good at it and he's just very sensitive so Ross would be all "Shit pls not again" and Ross almost never cries despite his sensitivity. Ross only cries when he's deeply pained so Max is basically all "Whoever did this... Oh boy this fucker's dead."

And how do they make them feel better? Max would let Ross cry into his chest and he'll give comforting words and hugs. Ross would use many comforting words and this is the only case he'll start the hugging and kissing.

What would they be like as parents? Ross would spoil them and be laidback lol. Max would be the more stern parent. But if you hurt their kids ohmyGod you made a mistake. You made a huge no-no you're dead.


Who enunciates taking a bath together? They wouldn't ever do it tbh. But if they were to do baths, probably Max.

Who likes who playing with their hair? Both but Ross enjoys it more

The place they mostly likely accidentally fall asleep together? Watching a movie at home with the snuggies ;u;

Well that's over. That being said

Ima ask you questions

What would be your reaction if Ross were to die IRL?
How would you react if a week after you heard the news, he was alive again? I'm interested to see your replies

Another thing
Huge thanks to @EllasticKitten13 on Wattpad and DeviantART for the new cover page! You're so talented, and I'm happy to see you made the new cover unintentionally xD


Thanks for nearly 5K guys! Means a lot to me ;u;

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