Chapter Eleven

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It's All Your Fault! You Did This!

No... This can't be real... it can't be real...

Eyes glazed, large, gaping wound, his life force seeping out of him... His words, still ringing through my mind...

"Max... I'm sorry."

No, I am. You weren't the one who owed an apology... I was. And now I will never have the chance to give you one. 

I swallowed back a howl of grief. I can't lose it here, not now. I crawl towards his mangled body, ignoring the nausea from the sight of it. I'm close enough to smell the sharp tang of his blood. 

Reaching my hand out, I touch his hand. Ice cold. I rest my arms on his chest, not caring about the blood begging to stain my jacket. I feel tears swim in my eyes. Don't loose it, don't loose it, don't-


A loud voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up, to see a man step out of the truck that had brutally killed my friend. He's barely visible through the heavy rain, but judging by his silhouette, he's not the thinnest of men. He's shouting in my direction, waddling towards me.

"I swear to God if it's another dog-" I can see him more clearly now. He stops in his tracks. The look on his face says it all.

"O-Oh.. Oh, God almighty... Have mercy on my soul."

I can't say anything. If I do, I'm afraid my words will come out as unintelligible cries. Though, I don't think I have to. He's already pulled out his phone, calling an ambulance, I expect. 

But what good would that do? It's clear that he's dead... And it's your fault.

He's right, again. First, a disappointment. and now, a disgrace. Everyone will know that it's my fault Ross is gone.. and I'll be alone. With no one on my side..




Oh no... Time, Ethan, Adam... Why the fuck did I freeze... They run into my sight, drenched with rain. "Hey! You guys okay! We were worried!" Adam calls out, still running. I wait for them to stop. For their jaws to drop, for their eyes to widen. As if on cue, they finally see Ross.

Tim brings his hand up to his mouth, his face turning a dark shade of green. Adam and Ethan, were both frozen with shock. The despair on their faces.. The shock.. It's all too much. No point saying nothing.

" was my fault.." 

They seemed to have finally noticed me. Adam narrows his eyes. "..How is this your fault..?" I take in a shouldering breath. "It was my fault... IT WAS ALL MY FAULT! IF I DIDN'T FUCKING FREEZE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAMN ROAD, ROSS WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO PUSH ME OUT OF THE WAY, AND HE WOULDN'T HAVE GOT HIT!" I wail. My words spill out jumbled, and I'm left a sobbing wreck.

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