Chapter Four

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You Can Heal A Wound But Not A Broken Heart

Ross won't take this lightly. I can tell. He's already beginning to tremble. 

"Can I... can I see her?" he manages to say.

"Of course you can" Tim replies.

He gently passes KP over to Ross. Ross takes her with heed, like she's a fragile piece of pottery, just waiting to shatter. He looks down at KP. There is only a small rise and fall of her chest. I'm guessing something triggers him. Because now he's clutching her like his life depends on it.

"KP... No... I CAN'T LOSE YOU LIKE I LOST KIWI! NOT YOU TOO!" Ross shouts with an edge of panic.

His eyes begin to water. I gaze at him sympathetically. He's been through a cat's death before, Kiwi's, and it hadn't gone well. Don't let her die. You can help her, the positive voice says to me. And I'm determined to keep her alive. Tim steps to the side, looking at me, then at Ross, then back at me again. He's saying 'Comfort him' And I will.

"...Ross?" I say almost pitifully. He doesn't look up. I go over to him, and place my hands on his shoulders. But he still avoids eye contact.

"Look, Ross. We have to help her. And we can't do that by moping around. Let's get to the vet, and they'll fix her up. We're not going to... to let her go" I say firmly. Tears begin flowing down his cheeks.

"But what if they can't help her?" Ross chokes out.

I bring my thumb up to his tears, and wipe them away."Then we'll find someone else. We won't let KP die on you. I won't let KP die on you"

He nods an 'okay'. I wave Tim over. "Get to my car. We got to take KP to a clinic"


Ross is able to calm down by the time we make it to the pet clinic. His eyes are a bit puffy, but he's no longer hysterical. Thank God. KP's still unconscious, but her breathing is slightly better. Slightly. We await our veterinarian in the waiting room silently, while Ross cradles KP in his arms. What is there to say? Nobody wants to talk about work, talking of KP is too painful, and it's not like there's anything interesting about an apartment.

Finally, the vet arrives. She's got a clip board and a pen, ready to take any notes on KP.

"Hi there. I am Dr. Ramirez" she introduces herself.

"I'm Max. Max LaPlume. We're here for a physical exam for a feline. We think our cat Kitty Purry's gotten food poisoning." I say. (A/N A friend told me Max's last name was LaPlume. Sorry if I'm wrong)

"Why do you suspect this?" she asks. I give Ross a look, saying, 'show her'. Ross lifts up KP, just enough for Dr. Ramirez to see. She bends over and examines KP, her eyes wandering here and there. After a while, she brings up her gaze ad jots down a few notes.

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