Chapter Thirteen

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Rest In Peace

The more days that passed, the less I ate. The more I'd dream, the less I'd sleep. The more she meowed, the more pained I felt. The more adjusted the others get to life without him, the more I fall down the black abyss of depression.

I don't plan on starving myself, drinking, or anything to harm myself in general. I'm too afraid of what the outcome would be. And even if I tried, Tim would already be there to stop me. He's protective and caring, maybe a little overboard sometimes, but... He might just be one of the reasons I hadn't joined Ross.

I grip the filthy covers of my bed tightly in my fist. I don't leave my room anymore if I don't need to. I don't go out anymore. I don't bother looking at myself. I'm probably thin, pale, and overall homeless-looking. Not that I would give a shit. The only time I do plan on going out is when his funeral comes up.

That event isn't all too far away, it's actually tomorrow, and I'm not exactly looking forward to it. Adam had tweeted on all his non-private social media accounts that any fan was welcome to come if they were in the area to say their goodbyes. Just so long as they left immediately after. This is a bit personal, by all means.

My door slowly opens, revealing my friend. He smiles at me, but there was sadness hidden behind it.

"Hi Max. I made you some lunch. It's your favorite.. Mac n' cheese! Or should I say, Max n' cheese, aye? What do ya say?" He says in a cheerful tone.

I sit up. "Thanks, but no thanks." He frowns at me.

"Oh, come on Max. You didn't eat dinner last night, you didn't eat breakfast this morning, and now you're sitting out on lunch? It's no fun eating without anyone to talk to. And KP doesn't count." He retorts. I only roll my eyes. "I don't think hanging with a killer is fun, either."

His face falls. "Max, don't say things like that. You didn't kill him, so stop blaming yourself." I say nothing.

"..Just eat it. Look, I won't eat with you if your prefer being alone, alright? Eat, please. I don't want you becoming a skeleton with skin and no muscle. Please?" He gives me the saddest expression he can muster. It's a guilt-tripping one. I consider his offer.

"..Okay. But only the mac n' cheese." I say. He face immediately lights up. "Oh my God, thank you." He says with relief. "I'll go to the store for a little bit, and you eat. I didn't use up 7 minutes of my precious time for nothing. 'K, bye!"

As soon as he's gone, I let my legs drop over the edge of the bed. I know I should eat, but I don't really want to. But I didn't intend on lying to Tim.

Just as I expect, there's a small bowl of macaroni on the counter waiting for me. It actually had an appealing smell to it. For once, something looked appetizing to me. Somewhat, anyway. Grabbing a fork, Tim left me one, too, considerate, I picked at my food. My stomach grumbled. About time I start feeling the sharp pangs of hunger.

I eat the cheesy food, relishing its taste. I haven't enjoyed something as simple as mac n' cheese in a while, now. I guess I didn't realize how much I really did want to eat. I'm way too much of a thinker.

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