Chapter Eight

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A Good Day Gone Rotten

It'd been a long day. Ross and I had gathered most of our stuff, and loaded what fit into my car. Since Adam let us out early, we'd decided to go get some ice cream after we'd dropped off the stuff. It's hot as hell, so why not?

"So..." Ross starts awkwardly.

"So...?" I say.

"So... Wanna hear a joke?"

"What are you gettin' at?"

"I don't know. Just trying to make friendly conversation... So, wanna hear it?"

"I.. guess" He better not make a pun.

"So, earlier today, I was at the forest-y area with Adam. He was telling me a bunch of jokes. He told me ten of them. I told him to just leaf me alone. He tried so hard to make me laugh. No pun-in-ten-did though."

"Good God Ross..." I groan. He grinned at me.

"Did I do good?" He asks.

"Ten out of ten." I say with a bit of sarcasm.


We arrived at our destination. Both Ross and I got two boxes each, and carried them up to the apartment. The building looked to be empty, which makes sense, since most people are at work. We're no longer gonna have to rush in the mornings. Huh. Our footsteps echoed eerily down the empty hallway.

"... It's a lot creepier midday..." Ross says.

"Yeah... Wonder how anyone can think this is not creepy..." I respond.

I stopped in the middle of the hallway. What in the Hell...? Near the entrance to the stairs was a black cat, unmoving. It was staring straight at us. Ross didn't seem to notice it. It narrowed it's eyes. Then, unexpectedly, it ran towards Ross, right through the space between his legs.

Ross yelled and dropped his boxes, creating a loud CRASH. I jumped back, my grip on the boxes tightening instinctively.

"Oh my- Ross! Are you okay?" I say frantically. He takes a few breaths before replying;

"Y-yeah... just, uh, just startled... Aw, shoot. I broke a few things"

Indeed he did. A glass mug with the words "BEST UNCLE EVER!!!" was now shattered on the floor, along with a picture frame. I set down my boxes, picked it up, being careful of the broken glass, and looked at the photograph. It was a picture of Ross, Tim, and I, all wearing funny hats. And, of course, the crack in the glass was where I was in the picture.

"You cracked my heart, Ross" I joke, since the crack was located near my chest in the frame.

"Aww. Not that photo! That one was my favorite! Stupid cat..." Ross mutters.

"It'll be okay. Whoever left there cat out in the hallway is an asshole. Don't worry, we could always take another one" I say, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah, but still..."

"... C'mon. Lighten up, Ross. We still have ice cream to look forward to. I'll help you clean all this up, and then we can go get some. Sound good?" I ask.

"You know, you sound like a dad whenever you speak to me." He says. Now that I think about, I do.


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