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 Wonder why Tim was so afraid of Max as soon as he found out he was the beast? Wonder why he was so quick to jump to conclusions, so quick to think Max would hurt him? Tim had his reasons, and completely justifiable ones at that. He's not the asshole most people saw him as after what he'd said to Max. He'd had... quite the dream, or should I say, nightmare.

Tim was sitting on the couch, playing his current favorite app, Candy Crush. It was so addictive to him, and he unfortunately got addicted easily. That's one reason why he'll never try drugs or alcohol. He was on the 200th level at the time, and he was quite proud of himself despite it only being a game.

Tim glanced away from the game for a moment. He swiped his finger down the screen, revealing the current time. 8:45. He recalled the time Max and Ross left, around 8:00, and chuckled aloud. They were certainly taking their time eating. 

I won't be surprised if they're either star gazing or ..'wrestling', Tim thought cheekily. But knowing them both pretty well, they were more likely to be star gazing. He opened his mouth in a huge yawn. He'd been playing GTA5 with Emily all day. She'd only left about thirty minutes ago. Tim felt a blush creep across his face at the thought of her stunning looks. He may or may not have a tiny crush on her.


Tim didn't notice his eyelids growing heavy. He yawned again, turning his phone off afterwards. He stretched his arms out before folding them over his lap. He let his eyes close completely, then soon fell asleep.


Tim woke up to the same apartment, but a darker setting. He stretched his arms, followed by yet another huge yawn. He didn't get to finish his wake-up routine, because a sudden CLASH interrupted him. He stiffened, startled by the sudden noise. More banging and clanging soon followed. He looked up to the clock. It read 10:15. 

It's probably just Ross getting a late night snack. They're bound to be home by now, he thought. However, he wasn't too sure he could trust it to be Ross. Tim got up anyway, and headed towards the source of the noise: the kitchen. 

Tim, being the paranoid person he is, made sure to grab a weapon to protect himself. He took the first thing he saw, which happened to be Ross' katana. Thank God Ross is a weaboo, Tim thought halfheartedly. 

He approached the kitchen with caution, then froze where he stood. Low, animalistic noises came from where he was headed. It was definitely not Ross, unless he was mutated into some freakish monster, which Tim heavily doubted.

Clutching the katana tighter, he shuffled the rest of the way. At the entrance to the the kitchen, low growls began emitting from the kitchen. The growls slowly became loud snarls. Quivering with fright, Tim peeked from behind the wall. He saw.. something he didn't at all expect to see, to put it bluntly.

A girl crouched in front of the counter, glaring daggers at something that Tim couldn't see. What startled Tim was one, no, quite a few unsettling things about the girl. For one, her right eye was completely black with no pupil. He ears were pointed, and her nails were sharp and black. An inky substance flowed from her nostrils and ear holes, not to mention her mouth. Large, feathery wings tore through her clothing.

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