Breaking news

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After I left Katniss's house last night, I felt weird. I had remembered the convosation that we had in the rebellion.

Its not the convosation that made me feel weird but its what I said before Katniss left the tent during the rebellion. I remembered I said 'I must have loved you a lot'

I really dont know what to think of that because that means I was in love with Katniss then fell out of love. But I didnt. Im in love with her now and Im sure that no one could ever fall out of love with her. I mean what could possibly make you not love her.

She is funny, kind, caring and she is absolutly beautiful. It doesn't make any sense!

What happend that meant I didnt love her anymore? Did she do something horrible? No not even that could make me stop loving her! Did I do something? But I wouldnt ever want to hurt her. Something must of happened!

I need to find out.


I woke up the next day and I felt better. Yesterday I completely broke down in front of Haymitch. But I couldn't help it. I needed to let out all my feelings. I had been keeping them hidden inside of me for so long, that I literally burst out of me.

But I decided I cant give up even If I want to. I at least owe it to the kids that they know their daddy. I need to have a massive talk with Peeta today. I need to tell him about what really happened in the rebellion.

It had to happen sometime and I think I should tell him. But I think I should ask Haymitch first. So I wake up the twins, feed them, dress them, play with them a bit and then leave.

I open Haymitchs door and he is sitting on the couch watching tv, but when he sees us he turns it off. I think he noticed the expression on my face.

I set the twins down infornt of me and Haymitch after I sat down.

"What happened?" He asks. Wow he is good. He automactically knew something was wrong with me and Peeta

"Nothing bad happened, but last night I  was with Peeta in my house and he said he remembered something we talked about in the rebellion, but that was it. He said he remembers bits here and there." I said

I paused and carried on to say "Well It got me thinking that I should finally tell him about the rebellion. What do you think?"

He sighed "Well as long as you think it is for the best because I hoestly dont think he is ready-" He says but I cut him off

"I know but you should see him Haymitch. Like I said last night he is looks so lost in his eyes. I just think that If I tell him we might be a lot closer to him remembering" I say.

He nods. After a while I return home after kising the twins and saying goodbye. I make an early dinner once I get home. Its a cheese bun. Peeta made them the other day. Im in love with these buns, but....I love him more.

I sit on the couch and start watching repeptes of one of my favourite programs, the imbetweeners. Me and Peeta used to watch it alot, but once the twins were born we dont watch it very ofter because Its not at all suitable for little ones.

I laugh a lot, I miss it. Im watching the one where 'Simons' car rides into the lake after camping together, when It ot interupted by the news

"Im sorry to interupt you for this breaking news!" The lady shouts through the tv. Oh god! What now. Every thing is breaking news now. When Haymitch gave up drinking the breaking news was about that and people went crazy.

"Are the star crossed lovers of District 12 going through tough times?" She pauses

"Witnesses around the distict have noticed that they have not been living together. Apparently Peeta has been living in his old house in victors village and his wife Katniss lives in her house along with children Primrose and Finnick."

"Also last night residents of 12 heard Katniss crying her eyes out, while she was comferted by mentor in the hunger games, Haymitch. It seems the star crossed lovers are over. We will update you as soon as we can with more information as soon as we can." She finishes.

Oh my god!!!! How the hell did they find out we wernt living together. Wait it is quite ovbious were not. But  how will Peeta take this? What will he think? I need to talk to him.

I turn around and there he is standing in my living room looking and me with shock and confusion all over his face.

"Peeta" I sigh. did he hear that?

"Did...did you he-" I say

"Did I hear it all? yh I did" He answers for me

"Peeta I.."

"What does she mean by 'star crossed lover over'? We  wernt ever an item, were we?" He asks confused

Damn it! I cant lie to him anymore. "We were married before you uh forgot" I say nervously, not knowing what he is going to say next.

But I dont hear anything. I look up and Peeta Is standing there with clenched fist that are white, eyes cleched tightly shut and face bright red.

Oh no

He having a flashback

Hope you liked it !! :)

" 'There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyages of their life is bound up in sorrows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures.' I think that what the quote means is that life is short, and opportunities are rare, and we have to be vigilant in protecting them, and not only the opportunities to succeed, but the opportunity to laugh, to see the enchantment in the world. And to live, because life doesn’t owe us anything."

Thanks for reading xxx

Peeta and Katniss; Our love remains (Sequel to 'After Mockingjay') Book 2Where stories live. Discover now