Going Away

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My heart was beating fast. I was leaving home.Finally! I can finally leave New York from my parents. Yes, they loved me but they could get annoying. I can finally do what I want to do with my life and become a singer. I explained to my mom an dad what I wanted to do. Since my mom and dad are lawyers they are pretty rich and are sending me to L.A. I was expected to find a job there and find a home before they sent me. My friend Chloe lived there and offered me to stay with her. I was seated on the airplane and before I knew it I was in the air taking off to start a new life. I was listening to My Chemical Romance and Welcome To The Black Parade came on. I was desperately trying to hit next but the plane started having heavy turbulence and I was already crying from the Black Parade coming on and I have a fear of flying thanks plane. I settled down after 10 minutes and decided to sleep.

"Excuse me mam we have landed" an air attendant said. 

"Oh, okay sorry."  I said. I gathered my stuff as fast as I could to leave that awkward situation. I started walking off when I saw Chloe waiting for me. She looked tired. "Hey (Y/N), thought you would never make it" she said. She knows I have a flying fear she said just to annoy me. "Oh thanks" I replied sarcastically. "Listen I know you are probably jet lagged lets just get you to my apartment and let you sleep, I am pretty tired myself." "Yeah I am pretty tired let's go to your apartment and get some sleep we will figure out everything tomorrow." Chloe hailed a taxi and we got to her apartment and went to sleep.

Brendon Urie/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now