Chapter 12

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"Hey babe, I gotta work. The band and I are recording today. Since you live with me bring anyone you want over." Brendon said smiling. "Thanks Beebo." I said laughing really hard. Brendon came over to me picked me up bridal style and sat me on the couch. He sat down across from me and took my hands. He looked me straight in the eyes and said "Who the fuck is Beebo?" I started laughing so hard I was wheezing. After I stopped laughing to much I told him. "The Panic! fandom started calling you Beebo." He looked at me and said "Oh... honestly that is not the weirdest thing they have called me." Brendon said. "Oh trust me I know that." I said chuckling a bit. Brendon started laughing too. "Alright I gotta go get dressed and get going love you." Brendon said. "I love you too." I said to him. He got up and got dressed. "Wait I have something for you before you go." Brendon said. He hugged me and gave me a passionate kiss. "Bye." He said cutely. "Bye" I said. He walked to the door and we looked at each other one last time before he left. "Well I might as well tell my parents everything." I said to myself. I still did not reply to them. I opened up my laptop and started typing to my parents knowing them if I did not tell them soon they were going to think I was dead. 

Dear mom and dad

I have moved out of Chloe's apartment and I am now living with my boyfriend. You probably  will be surprised or not surprised about this but Brendon is my boyfriend. He has been for a while now and I live with him and we are happy it was his idea to invite you guys over for dinner and stay a couple of days. Answer me back when you can.

From your daughter (Y/N) 

You sent the e-mail and called Chloe. It rang but it went straight to voicemail. As soon as I was about to put my phone down she called back. 

Chloe: Hey what's up? 

(Y/N): Well I am alone and Brendon is working with the band right now. Did you wanna come over? 

Chloe:Hmm lets see if I am busy just kidding we all no I am not. I will be over soon sorry for not picking up the first time I was I was taking a shower. 

(Y/N): Alright great see ya!

I straightened up the house and just waited for her to come over. Meanwhile I went on my laptop and sure enough my parents responded with a matter of minutes. Well it was my mom who responded. 

Dear (Y/N),

Well this is a huge surprise. Your dad owes me 50 dollars. During high school I said you guys would get together eventually. Your dad said the opposite and we made a bet to see who wins. Just tell your's and Brendon's address to your father and I and we will be there as soon as you and Brendon say we can come. Xoxo Mom.

At least I know I am good with my mom. Just kinda worried about my dad but he should come around when he see's how happy Brendon and I are. I heard the doorbell ring. I looked through the eye hole and it was Chloe I was so happy to see her. "Hey stranger!" I said. "Hey!" Chloe said.  

                                    Since I am to lazy I am just gonna time skip until Beebo comes home

I got a text from Brendon saying  Chloe can stay for the night if she wants just as long as Ryan could come and he can stay. I was of course not gonna say no. I texted him back sure. I guess they were already in the driveway because they came right through the door. Ryan and Brendon bought us ice cream and offered we all watch a movie. Chloe and I said sure and we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas our favorite. Brendon picked me up and sat me in his lap and I leaned my head onto his chest. Chloe had her head on Ryan's shoulder and Ryan had his head on her's. I smiled at Brendon and he smiled back he whispered and said " They have liked each other for a while." I chuckled. Brendon and I snuggled even closer and went to sleep. 

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