Chapter 13

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I woke up from my deep sleep I forgot that we all slept in the living room until I saw Ryan and Chloe snuggling up together like Brendon and I. Brendon then woke up and said "Good morning love." Brendon then kissed my forehead. I blushed a little and giggled. "Did you wanna brush your teeth and stuff like that then I can make breakfast, I know you don't like not brushing your teeth for a while." Brendon said. "Sure thanks babe."I replied. I got off of him and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth and stuff like that. I went to the kitchen to find Brendon cooking pancakes and Ryan and Chloe siting next to each other at the breakfast bar. I have to admit they do look quite cute together. I hugged Brendon around his waist and putting my head on his back. "You seem quite content where you are." Brendon said chuckling. "I am thank you." I replied sassily. "Oh don't go all Gerard Way on me." Brendon said laughing. I busted out laughing and sat down next to Chloe and the breakfast bar. We tole each other good morning and just talked abut really random shit. We started talking about the latest episode of Supernatural.  We were discussing about how Lucifer!Cas sat on top of an angel. (I know scandalous) I noticed Brendon and Ryan exchanged the weirdest looks. "(Y/N) and Chloe you watch some weird ass shit." Brendon exclaimed. "Yes you guys do." Ryan also chimed in. ;) Chloe and I just laughed soon pancakes were done we all ate and Chloe and Ryan ended up leaving after breakfast claiming they have "stuff to do" Brendon said whenever Ryan says he has stuff to do and a girl is with him he is gonna probably gonna go make out. I told him if Ryan loves Chloe they will go out on a date first. Brendon agreed with me. We just had a lazy day and did whatever we wanted since it was an off day for Brendon and the band. 

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