Chapter 6

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I was getting ready to meet Brendon today at his house. He wanted to talk to me today about something. I just did not know what though. He said he would take us out for coffee and he would pay but he had a major hangover. He called a taxi driver for me. I tried to pay for the taxi driver but supposedly Brendon already payed for me. I felt really bad because he payed for me all the time. I always offer to pay but he always says no let me. I had gotten to his house and I knocked and he opened the door. He looked really nice although he was was hungover. "Hi." I said. "Hi come in... we need to talk about what happened last night." Brendon said half serious and half playfully. I got worried what if he remembers what he had said and does not want to be my friend anymore because I took advantage of him because he was drunk. "So... I just wanted to say thank you for coming over usually when I ask people to come over they flake out or they have to cancel." Brendon said. "Oh yeah no problem I thought you needed some help because you were not feeling good." I said giggling a bit. "Yea... I just wanted to ask what did I say last night because I usually say some stupid shit while I am drunk." Brendon said chuckling. "Well you said you are so pretty,smart,considerate,courteous,determined and so much more." I told him. I was looking down the whole time because I knew he probably did not mean it. "Oh" Brendon said. "And what did you reply back." I sucked in a breath scared to answer. "Well I said I feel the same Brendon you are exuberant,passionate,generous,dazzling and so much more." I almost started crying knowing Brendon would never feel the same way. I felt a tear escape my eye and down my face. Onto his lap since we were sitting right by each other. He lifted my face to look into his eyes. I was full on sobbing by then. "Hey don't cry. I hope you know I meant that. I am going to cry because you are crying. I hope you meant what you said." He said with the tears making his eyes look glossy. "I really did mean it." We stayed like that what felt like a while. He kissed me. All the bad things and memories went away and I felt like me again. Like the happiest person I could be. "(Y/N) would you like to go on  date with me?" Brendon asked. "Of course Brendon I would love to." The rest of day we cuddled on and watched movies.

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