Chapter 8

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I woke up from my sleep. I felt refreshed. Everything was going good for me. Until I got a letter in the mail. I was confused as Pete said I would get a letter in the mail from him about my career and starting to write other songs but, I was supposed to get it maybe like next week. The only other mail I get is bills and stuff like that for the apartment which Chloe and I took turns paying the rent for. The letter was from my mom and dad. I was kinda scared there is only one reason why they send letters.They want to come visit. I usually update them with a letter yes they had phones but they felt as if letters were more authentic. The letter had said

Dear, (Y/N)

           We would like to come visit you and see how everything is for you. I hope to see that you have at least went into a recording studio or something like that to start your career. Although you probably got his later then intended just E-mail us if anything changes and when you want us to come over.

                                                                                                                                                         From, Mother and Father

Well damn. How was I going to tell them I moved in with someone. They might freak out. Well I gotta tell them somehow. But that was the least of my worries I was moving in with Brendon! I was really excited I love him so much and I don't think I have ever loved someone this much. I had all my boxes ready and loaded up in his car. "Before we go come over here" Brendon said. "Ok?" I said questioningly. I walked up to him and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me towards him and kissed me passionately and forcefully. He rested his forehead on mine and he said "Lets hurry Chloe is jumping around in the living room and making kissy faces in the window." I looked in the window to see Chloe doing exactly what Brendon was saying. I laughed and told Brendon wait. I ran up to her apartment really quick and hugged her really tightly and said "I will definitely visit often... Bye Chloe.  "Bye (Y/N)" she said. Brendon and I drove away to his house. We got all the stuff in his house and put away. I guess it is our house now.  Since this is our house let me give you a tour. He showed me around his house and showed me his little studio. "Since this is our house and we are both singers you can use it too" Brendon said smiling. "Oh my god thank you Brendon!" I yelled while squealing. He picked me up and spinned me around. " This is honestly the best day ever... but what are we Brendon?" He looked at me " I think we are boyfriend and girlfriend if you are okay with that I mean you did kinda just move in." He said while laughing. I laughed too we are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. "Are you hungry or thirsty?" Brendon asked. "Oh no I am just a little stressed." I said. "Then lets sit down and talk about it." Brendon said while giving me a piggy back ride. I was laughing while he was carrying me to the couch. He set me down lightly and sat in front of me while I was on his lap my head on his shoulder. "Well I got a letter from my parents and they want to come see me and how I am doing but I don't know what they will think of you or anything and ugh" I said. "Hey don't worry sugar just tell your parents I ma sure they would remember me since we hung out all the time. I remember they would always ask if I was going somewhere with you guys." Brendon said laughing. 


"Hey we gonna go to your house today? I remember you telling me about this show Supernatural? Er I don't know I kinda wanted to watch it too." Brendon said. He was giving me a piggyback ride back to my house I sprained my ankle during gym which we have together at the end of the day. "Yea we should since you are already walking me to my house." I said while giggling. "Hey guys wait up!" Ryan yelled.  "Oh hey Ryan." Brendon and I said at the same time. "Since I am almost home I thought I would just walk with you since I saw you guys. Wow what happened to you (Y/N)." Ryan asked worried. "Well Brendon and I were playing tag when we were really supposed to be jogging laps and I accidentally stepped on my foot the wrong way and sprained my ankle." I said. "I thought you falling was funny as shit until you were crying then I felt really bad for laughing but now I know you are fine I can do this." Brendon laughed really hard and so did Ryan. "Oh shut up." I said rolling my eyes and smirking. "Bye guys see ya Saturday." Ryan said. "Bye" Brendon and I said in unison. We arrived at my house.  "Hey mom." Brendon and I said. "What happened to you (Y/N)?" my mom asked. "Well Brendon and I were playing tag when we were supposed to be running laps and I stepped on my foot the wrong way and Brendon offered me a piggy back ride since I can't exactly walk on it because it hurts." I explained. "Jeashe that sounds like you guys. Here." Brendon put me down lightly so I can get my balance. My mom gave me a ice pack and Brendon helped me up the stairs to my room. We sat on my bed and started Supernatural. I put the ice pack on my ankle and I was feeling cold since the ice pack was freezing. Brendon gave me his jacket and we watched Supernatural until season 2. "Oh I gotta go but I will see ya tomorrow since I know you like coming Saturdays to see my band practice." Brendon said. "Oh yeah I will definitely be there... Oh wait your jacket." I said. "Oh my god thanks i almost forgot. Before he left he kissed my cheek and said "Your special (Y/N) I don't let just anyone use  my favorite jacket." He closed my door after he left and said "goodbye mom" to my mother. My mom came in my room a couple minutes after and said "I ship you two." and left I was happy she did because I did too. 

                                                              BACK TO PRESENT TIME 

Brendon walked into the kitchen to get some water. "Hey remember the time you gave me a piggyback ride because I sprained my ankle." I said. Brendon almost spit his water out because he was laughing so hard. "I REMEMBER THAT OMG THAT WAS HILARIOUS!" He was laughing so hard he was wheezing. I laughed too. After Brendon calmed down he said he was going to go take a shower. He was meeting up with Pete later about future stuff for his career. I was sending an email to my parents that I had already written but was hesitant about sending because I did not know how Brendon felt about it. Brendon kissed me on the cheek and said I love you before he left. You made yourself tacos and watched Sherlock.

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