Chapter 4

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I was sat in Chloe's apartment thinking of Brendon he was so nice and charming ugh. I honestly didn't have words to describe how beautiful of a person he was. He was just so charming and he was pretty cheeky but that is what I love about him. All in all he was just perfect to me I remember having a crush on him in high school but since it was just a little crush I did not pay attention to it. Now I am wondering is this just a crush?, do i just look up to him because he is in the music business?, or do I absolutely love him? There was no doubt that I loved him but those reasons could also very well be right too.

Brendon: HAI listen I released my album Death of A Bachelor and was wondering if you would like to be my date to my party? You know the place Chloe works at Fueled by Ramen is throwing me a party for releasing my album so what is the answer.

(Y/N): Of course, two questions though. What should I wear? and should you come to pick me up or should I hail a cab to your house? BTW if we are doing that I need your address.

Brendon: I will come to pick you up at your house andI sent you something to wear. See ya. :3

(Y/N): I will leave Chloe's apartment open for you. Just lock it when you come in.

Brendon: Ok

I was so happy I was Brendon's date. I just wonder how does he know the dress will fit? Oh well. A knock came at the door. It was a package for me. I guess it was the dress I opened it to find a short black dress with long lace sleeves. I curled my hair and did my makeup then put on my dress. "Omg it fits perfectly this is amazing."I said out loud." HEY (Y/N) I AM HERE" Brendon yelled. He found my room and saw me putting my black converse on. "Hey I am here oh..." "Oh hi I was just getting my shoes on and... hey are you okay?" I asked. " Yea it is just... you look really nice and just  took my breath away." Brendon said. I blushed and looked away. "Lets get to that party shall we?" Brendon said. "We shall." I replied. We linked arms and walked out the apartment together. I locked it and we walked to his car. He opened it for me and we got to driving to the place the party was at. It was at Gameworks. I was really happy about that because I always went there in high school with Brendon since he wanted  a break from practicing with his band and family. He told his parents about not believing in their religion and stuff like that. I remembered not seeing him a lot since he had his band and his job. But we would sometimes come here to enjoy each others company. Brendon and  I looked at each other and he said "I told everyone to come here because I had such great times with you here and I want to be surrounded by happiness tonight." I blushed probably for the hundredth time that night. 

We walked in to Gameworks seeing Chloe and and Patrick Stump,Pete Wentz, Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, Tyler Joseph, and Josh Dun. I was fangirling so hard. When we walked up to them they all greeted me and hugged me and I felt so well and I was so happy. Brendon grabbed me by my waist and said. Lets play some goddamn games." I blushed from him grabbing my waist and Patrick and Tyler saw and said "Aww." Brendon realized why they said aww and said "How about I have Andy,Joe and Chloe with me. And (Y/N) can have Patrick,Pete, Tyler and Josh and we will see who has the most tickets." "Is that a challenge Mr.Urie." I said mischievously. "Yes it is." He said getting close to my face. I said "Alright then. Lets see who wins I kissed he cheek and left him standing there with a red face. "Lets do this." My group ran and so did his group tonight is going to be fun.

                                                                   TIME LAPSE TO THE COUNTING OF TICKETS 

"Alright (Y/N) your team has about 2467 tickets. While Brendon's team has 2466 tickets." Brendon and I had the most surprised face and my team and I all high fived and I told my team I don't want anything that they can spend the  tickets if they want and so did Brendon. "Hey guys meet (Y/N) and I at the restaurant here." Brendon said. "Alright" everyone yelled at Brendon and I walked away and he took my hand and we took our seats . Everyone ordered food while Brendon and I held hands under the table everyone noticed and smiled when they found out. I wonder what Brendon told them about tonight. 

                                    TIME LAPSE TO BRENDON DRIVING (Y/N) BACK HOME

"Thanks for the night out." I said. "Oh yeah anytime. (Y/N) if you need anything or need to talk or you just wanna hang out I am always there for you." "Maybe I will see you later." I said while getting out of his car. "Yea. Goodnight (Y/N) I love you." Brendon yelled from his car. "Goodnight Bren... wait what did you say? I asked. " OH UH...UH...NOTHING OK GOTTA GO BYE."  I whispered as I walked into my house and got changed and went into bed. "Goodnight Brendon love you too." I figured it out. I do love Brendon.

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