Bang the Doldrums

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"(Y/N) I am going to have to go to store, did you need anything!?" Chloe yelled out. "Oh no I am actually just going to hang out here I will text you if I go anywhere!" I yelled back. "Okay!" 

I looked at Brendon's number I was happy to see him again he seemed to be living at great life and having fun with what he is doing with his career. I saved his number in my phone I texted him to see if it was his real number. I have gone out on double dates with Chloe and her date. Only for her date to bring a friend and the friend giving me a fake number. I knew Brendon was not like that but I did not want to get my hopes up to high.

(Y/N): Hey 

Brendon: How are you?

(Y/N): Good it was great to see you again!

Brendon: Same, I did not know you had that great of a singing voice maybe I have to work with you someday ;)

(Y/N): Lol thanks Brendon 

Brendon: Hey you doing anything today? I am really bored and I REALLY need to hang out with someone

(Y/N): XD Yea of course I will hang out with you, where do you want to go?

Brendon: Want to go see a movie? your choice

(Y/N):Sure um do you wan to go see Deadpool? 


(Y/N): XD Awesome it is 9:34 at night right now and the movie starts at 10:30 did you want to pick me up at Chloe's apartment at 10?

Brendon:Yea we can go to star bucks before the movie I just need your apartment address

(Y/N): It is 221 B Baker street 

Brendon: Alright see ya soon

(Y/N):Coolio see ya soon 

Chloe:So you going anywhere? I don't want you cooped up in the apartment all day

(Y/N):Actually I am Brendon and I are going to go to Starbucks and then go see deadpool

Chloe:OoOoOoOoHhHhHhHh sounds like a date ;)

(Y/N): No we are just catching up with each other 

Chloe: Whatever you say go have fun and remember use protection ;)

(Y/N):OMG whatever Chloe see you later

I looked in my closet put on my deadpool shirt,slightly ripped black jeans,gray converse, and grabbed my mcr cardigan.I put on some light makeup so I looked nice and before I knew it Brendon was at my house IN THE T.A.R.D.I.S (Im just kidding XD) He came to my house with his 1967 Black Chevy Impala."Badass car." "Ha thanks I think it is pretty badass too." Brendon laughed while I rolled my eyes. Brendon insisted on buying me something from Starbucks. We talked for a while about everything going on in our lives and just laughed and enjoyed each others company.We got to the movie theater and after the movie was over he drove me back home." You know Brendon for someone I knew Senior year in High School you life seemed to somehow get Pretty Odd. "I guess it did ha well you are at your apartment see you later?" Brendon said looking at me with hope in his eyes. "Of course Brendon I will see you another time." I said. I walked away "(Y/N) wait come to my door window really quick." Brendon yelled. I was confused but it was Brendon I trusted him. "Yes?" I said walking up to his window. "You forgot something" "Omg I am so sorry" "Brendon kissed my cheek I started blushing so hard.I realized what he did. "That was smooth Brendon." He laughed he said he would not leave until he knows I got into the apartment safe. "I got into the apartment complex went up the stairs to find Chloe watching American Horror Story. I texted Brendon I was safe and he could leave.He replied okay and drove away.  "Had a good time?" Chloe said while winking. "Alright lets cut to the chase tell my everything don't spare any details." I busted out laughing because that was probably the funniest thing she has ever done. I told her how we were catching up with each other and how the movie was hilarious and how close we were sitting next to each other looking like we could not be split apart."Aww anything else happened?" She said nudging me and winking. "Actually yea he..." I was blushing so hard" He kissed my cheek" "OMG I SHIP IT ALREADY I AM NOT ASHAMED BECAUSE I KNOW THIS SHIP WILL SAIL."Chloe yelled. I went to sleep soundly that night thinking of Brendon and  I somehow knew he was doing the same.

Brendon P.O.V

I drove away. I put my music on shuffle and Bang The Doldrums came on I smiled. It reminded me of (Y/N) I knew we were going to be best friends but I wanted her to be mine and for me to hold and sing her to sleep at night. I changed into pajama pants and took my shirt off. I went under my duvet and went to sleep happy thinking of (Y/N) and thinking I could maybe ask her on a date one day.

Brendon Urie/ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now