Chapter 10

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Brendon and I were getting ready for Ryan's little get together with the band. I was wearing a one piece black swimsuit and I had on black shorts and a Sherlock shirt. Brendon told Ryan he was bringing someone he knew from high school that was his friend. Ryan was confused at first but then was okay with it. Brendon and I arrived. I was feeling nervous because I have not seen Ryan and Spencer in a while. They were almost my only friends in high school. Brendon said just stand behind him and when Ryan gives him a hug just wave. I knew where he was going with this plan so I just went along with it. "Hey Ryan" Brendon said. "Yo Bren" Ryan said back. Ryan gave Brendon a hug I just waved like Brendon said. Ryan's eyes grew so big they were almost the size of the moon when he saw me. "(Y/N)!!!!!!" Ryan yelled. He hugged me very tightly. I hugged him back with the same amount of force even if it was suffocating me a little bit. "Oh my God I did not expect you to be here with Brendon. Are you guys still friends or a thing? I remember you guys had the biggest crush on each other." Ryan said. Brendon was already talking to Pete and Patrick. "Well if you wanna know. Brendon and I are a thing and we are living together in his house and we are pursuing our music careers." I said smiling to Ryan. "I am SO happy for you guys. Especially me though because damn I shipped you guys so much in high school and now it is canon and I can't." Ryan said wiping away a fake tear. I laughed and punched his arm playfully. "Did you want to see Spencer?" Ryan asked while smiling. "YES." I said excitedly. "Follow me." Ryan said. I followed Ryan into his house it was really nice. I followed him around the room saying hi's to people I knew like Pete and Patrick. Then I saw Spencer he was hanging with Gerard and Frank. They were talking about animals. Since Ryan is taller than me I hid behind him and I soon got behind Spencer. I tapped him on the shoulder and he was confused at who did that at first but as soon as he saw me his eyes got huge and so did the smile on his face. He hugged me with the same force if not more forceful like Ryan's hug. "I HAVE NOT SEEN YOU IN SO LONG TELL ME EVERYTHING WE NEED TO FUCKING CATCH UP." Spencer yelled. I laughed he always acted a bit like a child but he was loyal and a genuine friend much like Ryan and Brendon although Brendon is more than a friend now. "Sorry guys I have to catch up with (Y/N) I have not seen her since high school." Spencer told Gerard and Frank. "Oh yeah go ahead it is always nice to catch up with people." Gerard said. "Talk to you later." Frank said. Spencer led me to the couch in Ryan's living room. "Tell me everything." Spencer said like he was interrogating me. "Well I moved from New York to L.A. I was looking to sign with someone and my friend Chloe actually signed me to Fueled By Ramen. Before I got signed I went with her and I saw Brendon and since then we have watched up with each other and hung out a lot after that." I said. "Nice, congrats on getting signed." Spencer said. "Thank You." I said. "You're welcome, about you and Brendon what is up between you guys?" Spencer asked. "We went on multiple dates and we re now boyfriend and girlfriend and live together in his house." I said proudly. "YES FINALLY NO MORE SECRETS." Spencer said relieved. I just laughed and I was asking Spencer how things were with him. We talked for about an hour. I told him I was going to find Brendon. Instead of me finding him he found me. He wrapped his arms around me and asked if we can stay for a bit more. I of course agreed because I was having a great time. I walked over to Gerard and Frank. "How have you guys been?" I asked. "Great" Gerard said. "Same with me" said Frank. I was kinda friends with Gerard and Frank during high school we just talked sometimes in the hallways or class when we had it together. "You know Brendon loves you very much." Frank said. "Really? How can you tell?" I asked. "He has been making sure you're okay almost every couple of minutes you just have not noticed." Frank said. "Really?" I asked. "Oh yeah! I can tell you love him too." Gerard said. I blushed very hard. "I knew you guys loved each other during high school too" Gerard said. I blushed even harder. Frank,Gerard, and I talked for an hour more with Spencer and Pete also in the conversation on music. "Hey (Y/N) can we leave I am tired and need sleep." Brendon said with a pout. "Of course babe lets go." I said. Brendon and I said bye to everyone and went home. Brendon and I stripped down in just underwear and went to sleep. I went to sleep knowing everyone I knew from high school is great and okay in life.

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