Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling so happy. I ate some cereal and watched Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil I was just about to go watch some Supernatural on the T.V since I was still waiting to hear back from Fueled by Ramen. Chloe texted me right in the middle of a Castiel and Dean hug, this better be good. 

Chloe: (Y/N) I need you to get dressed. Brendon is waiting outside for you. You don't need to dress nice just put on some jeans and a t-shirt.

(Y/N): Okay? But if I may ask what for? 

Chloe: It is a surprise. And a surprise is not a surprise if I told you now would it be ;) HURRY UP AND GET DRESSED.

(Y/N) :UGH okay.

I got up and put on some ripped black jeans, an American Horror Story shirt, and some black combat boots on with some makeup and ran out the house with my Superwholock messenger bag. I locked the door and got into Brendon's car. "Ready?" he said with happiness and awe that I got ready quickly. "Yep" I said nervously. "Listen (Y/N) there is no reason to be scared I promise you that when we are done with what we are doing today you will be ecstatic." Brendon said smiling. "I am SO sorry if that came out really wrong." He said laughing. I busted out laughing only realizing that sounded wrong until he said something. We arrived at the recording studio. "What are we doing here?" I asked. "It is a surprise. I am going to cover your eyes with my hands okay?" Brendon said to make sure if it was okay. "Yea, sure I am just kinda scared." "Don't worry I got ya." Brendon put one hand over my eyes and his other on my waist causing me to blush.He removed his hand from my eyes but wrapped his other hand more around my waist to hole me close. "SURPRISE!" Patrick,Pete,Andy,Joe,Tyler,Josh,Chloe,and Dallon yelled out loud. "Omg what is this for?" I said tearing up a bit. Pete came up to me giving me a contract. "(Y/N) Brendon talks about you quite a bit and was telling me about you trying to sign with us so. I was just gonna send a letter back asking for some samples from you but Brendon made me listen to when you were in the studio with him and Chloe a while ago and...I think you have great potential. Would you like to join all of us and soon be working with us to make your own music." I was freaking out. I could not fucking wait. I skimmed though and everything seemed okay with me. I signed and everyone congratulated me. Brendon went off to talk to Pete and he kept looking back at me and then Brendon. He nodded his head I wonder what they are up to. "Hiya (Y/N) sorry to scare you. Congrats on signing I promise you will make great music and have so much fun." Patrick said. " Aw thanks Patrick." I talked to everyone for a while seeing what their experience was like and so far I did not hear anything bad. I honestly feel like I will have some fun while I am here. 

                                                             TIME LAPSE TO THE END OF THE PARTY

Brendon and I decided to go back to his place. It was so beautiful and he had a pool too. I drank some wine while Brendon was full on wasted. He was regret everything in the morning. We sat down on the couch and talked about anything we could. "Do you want to know what I was talking about to Pete earlier?" Brendon said slurred. " Sure." I felt guilty taking advantage of him while he was drunk but I was curious. "Well I was gonna help you write songs. And was maybe going to ask you out I am not sure when but until I am not a wuss anymore I could maybe ask you out and have a nice night out and then kiss you." Brendon said slightly slurred. "Really?" I said. "Oh yeah! You are just so pretty,smart,considerate,courteous,determined and so much more. I have never felt this way about anyone." Brendon said still slightly slurred. Well you know what they say a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts. "Well I can say the same for you Brendon. You are exuberant,very generous,passionate and persistent but in a good way and so much more. You are truly a great person." I said to him. "I am glad you feel the same but I have the need to kiss you right now and I don't want to do that until the first date." He said winking." I feel the need to walk you home." Brendon said. "Oh no you go to bed I will call someone to pick me up. You go to bed and get some rest. "Goodnight Brendon." "Goodnight (Y/n)"     

"Hey Chloe I am at Brendon's house would you be willing to pick me up?" I said. "Yea sure wait...did you guys?" I cut her off before she could say anything else. "NO I mean... no we did not but I told Brendon that he could go to bed I am a little drunk while Brendon is so drunk I don't know if he will survive that wretched hangover he is going to have." I said chuckling a bit. " Yea I will be there hold on." "Wait don't you need his address?" I questioned. "Oh no I already know where he lives." Chloe answered back. "Okay see ya bye." I said. "Bye" Chloe answered back. I told her everything about what happened. We arrived back at the apartment and went to sleep once I changed. Hopefully Brendon will ask me about that date soon. 

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