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"Daddy! It hurts!" Hazel winced.

"I know, baby. I'm trying not to hurt you." My heart was broken at the sight of my babygirl being hurt. "How did this happen anything." When she winced, I winced too.

"I was playing outside. I didn't know it was glass there. It really hurts!" She whined.

"I know, baby. Thank god you don't need stitches."

"What are stitches?" She asked.

I shook my head, "nothing important."

"Knock, knock." Hailey knocked at the door, peeping her head in.

"I got the piece of glass out of her foot. I just need a band-aid." I said dabbing a alcohol around the cut.

"I got it." Hailey said handing it out to me.

"Thank you." I took it from her applying it to the wound, softly. "All better now, baby." I whispered, smiling, then giving her a kiss.

"Thank you, daddy." She sniffed. I wiped the falling tears and picked her up, walking into the living room and sat down on the couch turning the T.V. on Peppa Pig. (our conversations. 😂😭 shawndratime sydwashere12 guccixlawley Jacquelinejackyadele michaelaaa_a )

"When's Ariana coming back?" Hailey asked.

"Couple days." I bluntly replied. I don't know why I'm being rude. I guess this situation with Hazel has me on edge.

"Okay." She whispered.

A few hours later the doorbell rang, waking me from my name. Hailey was gone upstairs, and Hazel was nuzzled in my neck. I picked her up gently and walked to answer the door.

"Ariana! Your home early!" I whisper-yelled. Abruptly Hazel was taken away from me.

"Stay away from my daughter!" She yelled at me.

"What did I do to make you think I'd do something bad to her?!" I yelled back.

"She told you you were touching her again! I beat this shit outta you once, Sean, don't make me do it again." I looked at her, bewildered.

"I'm not Sean. It's me. Justin."

"Justin?" She asked as if she were completely clueless of the name.

"Yes it's me. Just give Hazel to me and come inside." I reached out for me. She gulped and gave her me. I grabbed her hand, walking her with me.

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