Chapter 31: Drive Me Home

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"Do you remember when you finished at NYU, and you went home after that huge argument with me? We didn't speak for eight months."

"How could I forget?" I replied softly. Gerard and I were sat on the couch in our home in Jersey. I was curled up in a ball, resting my head on his chest as he stroked my hair gently. The room was lit with only one dim lamp and outside it was dark and the rain was falling heavily.

"Those eight months were the worst of my life," he replied, kissing the top of my head. "I didn't know if you were okay, or if you had moved on, or even if you were still alive."

I sat up from my position on his chest so that I could look at him directly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a single kiss on his lips.

"I don't want to ever spend that amount of time away from you again," I said. "I won't let it happen."

He smiled down at me, before kissing me firmly. His hands trailed down my body and he then pushed me down on the couch so that he could climb on top of me. Kissing me continously, he pulled away my jeans and t-shirt, before frantically removing his own.

"I really love you," he breathed as he kissed my neck. "Nothing will ever change that." He continued to remove our clothing until we were both naked, his body resting between my legs. He raised them slightly and entered me, kissing me several times before he began thrusting into me. Being intimate with Gerard had never lost the excitement and spark that it causes the first night it happened- it was always a completely intense experience. After a while, I pushed him over and climbed on top of him so that our faces were close together. My legs were wrapped around his body and his hands explored my own body. I watched his face as he experienced the pleasure and that alone was enough to make any woman happy.

An hour later, we were lying back down on the couch, out of breath and exhausted.

"I love you," I smiled, stroking his bare chest with my fingertips, trying to think of a moment in my life that had been as perfect as this one.


"Izzy, coffee!"

I slipped on some clothes and headed downstairs, following the smell of coffee and Gerard's voice.

"Good morning," I said through a yawn. Gerard walked over to me and placed a mug of hot coffee in front of me and then stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into my neck.

"This is how every morning is gonna be," he grinned, shaking his head. "I am so happy that I married you."

"Oh yeah," I said, a huge smile spreading across my face. "I remember the wedding, but sometimes I forget that I'm actually married to you."

"You better not forget!" he laughed. "I'm not gonna accept that as an excuse if you start sleeping with Ray."

"I'm not gonna sleep with Ray!" I exclaimed. "His girlfriend would kill me!"

"And your husband would kill you," Gerard laughed, before taking a sip of his coffee. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and headed into the garden to smoke it. I followed behind him, cheekily stealing a cigarette from his back pocket.

"Did you just touch my ass?" he said, raising one eyebrow and grinning at me.

"Yes," I giggled. "But I was just stealing one of your cigarettes. Don't get too excited."

"So morning sex is off the table?" he joked.

"It's never off the table," I grinned.

After coffee and a...small two hour delay in which we went back to bed...we finally got dressed and headed out of the house. Gerard had some work to do with the band preparing for another tour, and I was going to meet Mikey's girlfriend, Alicia. She had just moved to the area and didn't have a lot of friends so I had promised to take her out for the day. 

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