XiuHan Facts

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1. Luhan’s favorite hobby is playing soccer with Xiumin.

2. When Xiumin first met Luhan, Xiumin thought Luhan was Korean because his Korean was quite good. When Xiumin saw Luhan with the other Chinese members, Xiumin thought that this Korean’s Chinese was good.

3. Xiumin did not know why people suddenly called him Baozi. Lu han explained that he was called Baozi because he was white, chewy, and cute.

4. When Luhan first met Xiumin, Luhan thought Xiumin was really cute and younger than him.

5. Xiumin was voted as the strongest member by Lu Han.

6. LuHan was voted as the most handsome member in EXO by XiuMin. XiuMin explained that LuHan was very pretty.

7. XiuMin was voted as the funniest member in EXO by LuHan. LuHan explained "Oh it's because he's funny without knowing it himself. His expressions and actions are funny and cute."

Xiumin did not know why people suddenly called him Baozi. Luhan explained that he was called Baozi because he was white, chewy, and cute.

When Xiumin first met Luhan, Xiumin thought Luhan was Korean because his Korean was quite good. When Xiumin saw Luhan with the other Chinese members, Xiumin thought that this Korean’s Chinese was good.

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