SuTao Facts

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When Suho first met Tao, Suho was scared of him. 

In the recent China Love Concert when Chen was asked why he had pushed Suho and Tao together, he admitted saying that he was a closet Sutao shipper. Sehun, upon hearing this ran up and hugged him, and admitted that he too, was one. They laughed and floated away on a balloon blown by Kyungsoo.

Because Tao is scared of ghosts, he shares a hotel room with Suho

Once, Tao tricked Suho into introducing himself in Chinese as “大 da 妈 ma”. 
"大妈" when directly translated into English means "big mother"
大 - Big | 妈 - Mother
However, in Chinese, “大妈” means “old lady”

Once, Exo was asked to raised their hands if they thought that Tao was the visual of the group. Only Suho raised his hands.

In 2013, Tao began consistently changing his profile pics to pics of Suho. He has since stopped.

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