party sex

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I saw everyone looking at me. I sighed and walked to my locker. As I turned around, I saw people whispering. I knew it was about me. Every since I started middle school, I've decided to become a different person. I dyed my hair purple and got tattoos. I also have cuts running up my arms and legs. We'll get to that later. I walked to the classroom behind me, History. I sat in the way back where I wouldn't get called on and slammed my books on the desk. I laid back in my seat and waited for the room to fill up.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head , no. The person sat down. I turned to see who it was. It was a boy. Tall, maybe 'round 5'4, he had chestnut brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. He had on a yellow turtleneck. He smiled at me and said, "I'm Farkle Minkus. Nice to meet you." In the perkiest tone I've ever heard, and I've heard plenty of cheerleaders talk.

Anyway, I got my phone out and started texting my friends. I heard a door open and looked up. I rolled my eyes, it was just the teacher. I went back to my phone. After a few minutes, I looked up again and saw that the teacher was still talking.

"Miss. Lawrence, could you please leave my classroom?" I looked up and saw that the room was empty. I looked to my right and the perky kid was gone. What was his name again? Feekle? I shrugged and grabbed my stuff. As I walked passed his desk, Mr. Matthews sighed and said, "Riley, you really have to start paying more attention in class. I've spoken to all your other teachers and they say the exact same thing. Please, listen to us. You aren't doing yourself any good." I rolled my eyes and said, "Does it look like I care? Now, please, stop scolding me. I'm not a kid!" He sighed and gestured toward the open door.

As I opened my locker to grab my books for my next class, someone walked up behind me. I turned around and came face to face with my best friend, Maya Hart.

"Mr. Matthews scolded you again, didn't he?" With a smirk plastered on her oh so soft pink lips. I nodded.
"He thinks I should pay more attention in class, but of course I won't listen." She smiled.

"Good girl, Riley. Let's go." She grabbed my hand. I yanked it and said, "Where are we going?" She sighed.

"Missy brought some of that yummy stuff you love! Come on, everyone's at her place. I'll drive." I smiled and gladly grabbed her tiny fragile hand in mine.

"Wait,before anything else, c'mere!" She smiled and placed her arms around my neck. I placed my hands around her small waist. Soon, our lips were in sync. I moved my hands up to her hair and messed with it. She licked my lips with her tounge; seeking entrance. I teased her and she put her left hand under my shirt. She pinched my nipple. I yelped and she took the opportunity to move her tounge gently inside my mouth. I felt her smile and then she looked up at me. "That was fun! Now, less go!" She yanked my arm.

When we got in her car, she put her hand on my thigh. I moved it up and placed it inside my shirt. She grabbed my nipple and giggled. Then, when we stopped at a red light, she got her hand out and kissed me. I kissed back. We pulled away and she said, "I have some weed in the back, want some?" I smiled and took it. The pleasures this stuff made me feel was unbelievable.
I smiled as we arrived at Missy Bradford's place. Maya got out and placed a kiss on my forehead. We entered and someone gave us each a beer.

"Riley! Why don't we go find a room?"
Maya yelled through the loud speakers. I nodded and took her hand. I led her upstairs to an empty room. I closed the door and locked it. She giggled as she drank from her beer bottle. I ran a hand through my hair. Then, as I was removing my shirt, Maya pulled my hand away. "I do that, okay?" I nodded. She started to remove my Nirvana shirt. Then, she did the same with her own. I giggled.

We jumped onto the bed. Maya on top of me. She kissed my lips. Then, she started to undo her pants. I took my skirt off. She smiled and played with the hem of my underwear. I looked at her and she brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Momma's gonna make you feel good," She said as she kissed my neck. I let out a really loud moan. She then moved to my lips. She pecked them gently and then said, "I love you," before pulling my underwear off. I moaned as she licked my clit. Then, she put two fingers inside me. As she fingered me, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of this. Of us having sex freely without getting pregnant. No condoms. No pills. Nothing. No worries. Just plain sex.

As Maya moved to my hardened nipple, I moaned again. She licked it. And then she just laid her head on my chest. We laid there, motionless and quiet. Naked underneath the sheets. The things this girl does to me, god I love her so much.


This was gonna be a rucas story ,but then I changed it and was gonna Make it a rilaya one, and then I turned into a rilaya one shots. ///


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