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          My eyes flash open and I awake from a deep sleep. I looked around, expecting my parents to barge in at any second. As I wait, realization hit me. It isn’t any normal birthday. By law we aren’t able to celebrate it. Most people call it The 15th Induction Day, when 15 year olds are taken to the genetic bank and put into the system that everyone else in society is in. As many others my age, I should be excited for this day, I mean I am becoming an actual part of my community, but I’m not one bit happy at all.

          My parents were nowhere to be found, so I was most likely going to have to take myself, which was not uncommon. As I got ready, I looked over at my alarm clock. It started blaring and then bursts into flames. “Not another one,” I groaned. That had been the third one this week.

          Grabbing the extinguisher next to my bed, it was easy to put out the small fire. Hopefully one of these days I will be able to control my own powers. The only problem is that I have no one to teach me. I tried teaching myself before, but it didn’t work out well. The house almost burnt down and my body was burned pretty badly.

          Picking up my alarm clock I threw it in the trash next to my night stand and took a walk over to the bathroom so I could take a look at myself in the mirror. Great, I have bed head…bad. Getting ready is definitely going to take a while today.

          I check the time on my communicator, making me realize that I had to hurry. I got ready and turned to rush out of my room but nearly ran into someone. “Evalyn, what did I tell you about coming into my room?”

          “I’m sorry Ava,” she apologized. I couldn’t possible remain angry with her for long. She was my little sister and extremely adorable. Her big chocolate brown eyes would look into mine and give me the sweet and innocent look that I couldn’t resist. She was all of six and she had me wrapped around her finger.

          “What do you need? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?” I asked, bombarding her with questions.

          “Mommy and Daddy are home and they said I can stay home today.” She was happy as she said this. She wanted nothing more than to be like her older sister.

          “They’re home? Where are they?”

          My door opens all the way and my parents walk in. “You think that we would miss our own daughter’s Induction Day?” My mother’s voice said sweetly. It was rare to even have my parents home, let alone have them home and in a good mood.

          I look at my parents and smile. “Thanks,”

          “Now we better leave soon. We don’t want to be late.” My father said, looking at Evalyn.

          “Let’s let your sister get ready,” my mother directed Evalyn out of my room.

          Once everyone was gone, I made the final touches, making sure that I packed my communicator with me. I headed down the hall until I got to the stairs leading to the main floor, hesitating. This was too good to be true. My parents wouldn’t do this. They weren’t that parents that were all for their daughter. Something wasn’t right, but I wasn’t about to bring it up.

          We all headed out to the car, my mother getting in the driver’s seat and my father putting Evalyn in her car seat. Once everyone is in the car, we take off for the genetic bank.

          “Daddy, are we rich, because my friend says that rich people only have cars?” Evalyn’s sweet voice asked.

          My father turned around. “Well honey, not many people are able to buy cars because gas is so expensive.” Not something that a six year old is going to understand.

          “Ok, daddy,” Evalyn said, going along with whatever he said. I can’t help but smile at her innocence. She was just too cute.

          I look ahead and see a car swerving into our left and another at our right. My parents exchange glances, and I grew worried.

          “Get the kids,” my mother said demandingly.

          My father nodded his head and turned to us, saying a quick spell, making us fade away. I see a car in front of us heading towards our car at incredible speed. I flail my arms and scream, “Mom, Dad!” But it was too late. I disappeared and ended up hitting the hard floor in the middle of a large crowd. My father had saved our lives…My sister and I were safe. He transported us away from the accident. I start sobbing, knowing what went on back there, but not willing to accept it.

          “Ava, why are you crying?” My sister asked, putting her hand on my shoulder. Having her little hand on my shoulder relieved me. She had no clue what was going on, but at least she was all right.

          She accepted my back breaking hug with no protests. My arms would have never let her go if I hadn’t heard a woman clearing her throat, and I looked up. “Excuse me, miss? Are you Ava Marcillo?” The woman’s sweet voice questioned me.

          “Yeah, who’s asking?” I asked, looking up to see someone who would just make my day worse than it already was.

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