Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

          I dreamt about my parents. They were still alive and everything was back to the way it used to be. I didn’t have a familiar and I didn’t have to worry about the care of my sister. She was safe at home with our parents.

          Unfortunately, I woke up, making me depressed that I couldn’t go back and live in the dream. “Good morning,” Xavier said, looking at me from his bed. He didn’t look comfortable laying there and I couldn’t help but blame myself for doing this to him. This was all my fault. I had never meant to hurt him.

          “Morning,” I said shooting him a fake smile. I wanted to throw a pillow at him, but I figured that that wouldn’t do either of us any good.

          The door flies open and an administrator puts two trays of pancakes on the table. “Clean up before you eat,” was all that she said before leaving the room and slamming the door behind her.

          Well if I hadn’t been awake then, I was now. “There’s only one bathroom,” Xavier said. “We have to share it. You can go first.” Rolling my eyes, I grabbed a towel out of the closet and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

          I sped through my shower, not wanting my pancakes to get cold. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I forgot that I had a towel around my body and wet hair dripping.

          “Well now don’t you look gorgeous?” Xavier teased. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my face away so that he couldn’t see me blushing.

          Xavier struggled a little bit getting out of bed and grabbed a wash cloth from the closet, dampening it, washing his face, and then tenderly applying it to his burns.

          “Do you want me to help you?” I asked, feeling like I was obligated to since it was my fault.

          “I can handle it myself.” He said just like every typical guy. I still walked over and helped him, regardless of his request.

          “When I was younger, I almost set my house on fire. No one was home, so I was burning inside of it. Thankfully my dad got home early, or I would have died.” Xavier gave me a look that was asking why I was telling him all of this. “When my dad found me, he refused to heal me. Instead, he took an ointment and applied it on to the burns. It was very painful for the first couple of seconds, but then it really helped.”

          “Too bad we don’t have any of this ointment.” Xavier said being sarcastic and a jerk as usual.

          “You really think that I would just tell you about this if I didn’t have a way of getting you some? Maybe I shouldn’t even bother. Why waste the time?” I turned away from him, letting the washcloth drop to the ground.

          “Ava, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry.” He said, his eyes locking mine. “I’m sorry,” he said quieter for a second time. The corners of my lips turned up, almost into a smile but not quite yet. I really wish I had some of that ointment, I thought to myself, hoping that Pym would hear.

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