Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

          Waking up in the morning, it felt extremely lonely. Casey was not there in the bed next to me to yell at me to get up. Apparently, there was some sort of privilege that second years got that they could go stay in a separate wing of the building that I had never been down. It was a tradition at Leegend, so I wasn’t going to be the one to question it.

          Since graduation was today, it was expected that the first years get ready to attend and put on the school uniform that had been delivered a week ago. To be honest, I hadn’t even opened mine yet. Why would I have? It symbolized the fact that I was going to be a second year and that all of my friends this year were leaving, including my boyfriend.

          As I put it on, I realized that it didn’t look as bad as I thought it would. I thought that it might have been a privilege not to wear a uniform as a second year, but I guess that was a privilege for first years, because we didn’t have very many.

          The second years were down in the auditorium—which we never really used—practicing for the ceremony in just a few hours. After that, we would be offered a buffet in the cafeteria and then we had a few hours to get ready for the dance.

          Casey had my dress, but since we had both been so busy, she hadn’t had the chance to show me. We both knew that that was her last gift to me; surprising me with my dress.

          The dance excited me though. It was the first dance that I would actually be dating Jared. Unfortunately, it would be our final time together until I graduated, unless he was going to surprise me and stay for a third year, but I highly doubted that.

          “Fifteen minutes until graduation.” Someone said from outside my door. It was probably one of the few third years that weren’t helping down at the ceremony.

          Not realizing that the time had flown so quickly, I fixed my clothes one last time and headed down to the auditorium.

          “Welcome, welcome,” a second year’s voice came onto the microphone as students started to file in. “This is one of the rare times where absolutely everyone in the school is here, faculty and students.”

          Once everyone was in, the advisor came up onto the stage and said a few good words about this class, but nothing too lengthy. The valedictorian came up and spoke, who was surprisingly a very good speaker and had a beautiful speech.

          All of the speaking came to an end quickly and the red curtain fell down on the stage so that no one could be seen. Once the band started playing—since when did we have a band?—the curtain was lifted and the second years started to line up, receiving their diploma from Miss White and Miss Hamilton.

          Casey was the first one that I saw get her diploma, her face beaming with a smile. Jared was after that. Goodness, he looked stunning in the suit that he was wearing. His hair was jelled back and he looked adorable. He made me proud to be his girlfriend.

          Braden was probably the funniest out of everyone that received their diploma. When he got his, he walked right up to the microphone that the advisor was calling names out of, and started speaking. “It feels so good to graduate! Just wanted to ask my baby, Casey, will you go to the class dance with me?” After that, the advisor had wiggled her way back to the microphone and urged him to go back in line.

          The whole auditorium burst out into an “AWWW!” and Casey was standing in line her face getting red. She nodded her head, her smile not disappearing for one second.

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