Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

          Exams. They just seem to sneak up on you out of nowhere. It had been a few weeks since my recovery, but everyone there treated me like I was a fragile vase. I understand that I am a legend, but come on. I’m not made of glass! If I was, I would have been broken many times before.

          The end of the year seemed to have snuck up on me too. I know that I had been out of it for a good half of the year, but I had finally caught myself back up by getting all of the notes, having Casey and Jared teach me, staying up until midnight getting all of the homework done, and staying after school for hours taking tests that I had missed.

          To be honest, I wasn’t sure how I had done it, but I had caught myself up for finals. All of my tests in every class and all the midterms I had taken, making me qualified to be able to take the finals and letting me be able to graduate my first year.

          It still baffled the nurses, my teachers, and me how I was out for so long when all I remember was a blow to the head. It all seemed crazy to me, but it also felt like I was being told something.

          Everyone kept saying to me that I had this extreme power, which is why I believe that I got better. The blow that I received was very fatal. Jonathan Kant had intended on taking me down if he was going to, but unfortunately for him, he had underestimated my power.

          I was thankful that I was a legend though, because if not, I would have died and I wouldn’t have been able to have been healed by the nurse. Apparently, all certified nurses have to have a special power in which they can heal the students. This was supposed to be a safety thing so that no one in school got hurt, but it was rigorous task on both the giver and the receiver.

          It took a lot of energy from the person that was administrating the healing and drained them for days, sometimes weeks. The receiver really wasn’t any better off, because even though they were physically healed, it took their body time to adjust to it, even though there was little pain felt.

          “Are you ready for the finals?” Casey asked me, breaking me from my thoughts.

          “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I muttered, not intending on her hearing it.

          “Ava, you know that you can stay a little longer at school and the teachers will let you take the finals and give you as much time as you need to catch yourself up. All of this cramming and stuff really isn’t necessary.” She didn’t understand. I had a sister that I needed to get home to.

          “I know,” I said, not even bothering to explain it to her. “But hey, on the bright side of things, the dance is tomorrow night!” I squealed. Casey had ordered my dress for me without telling me what it looked like. She said that I needed to look beautiful and that I should be surprised. As much as I argued that this wasn’t my wedding day and that she should just let me see the dress, but it was to no avail.    

          “I know! I’m really glad that this year we are just able to take our finals all in one day. Having them all drawn out sucked. You either know the stuff or you don’t. This isn’t like middle school where you had to memorize stuff, this is about certain skills and your ability to perform them.” She was right. All it really came down to was whether or not you knew what you were doing.

          “You must be excited that Jared’s taking you! I know that I’m excited that I’m going with Braden! And it’s my last dance here at Leegend before I graduate!” Casey was all excited, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was swallowing a rock. It was the hardest thing having to admit to myself that I would have to say goodbye to them in just a few days.

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