Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

          “Run Ava! Don’t just stand there, run.” An unfamiliar voice yelled to me.

          “Move one step and I will break you little sister’s arm.” A vicious voice snickered.

          “No! Not Evalyn! Please, it wasn’t her fault. I’m the one that is at value!” I cried.        

          “Well you value your sister, meaning I value her as well.” The man’s face was covered in scars and his eyes were dark and beady.

          “I won’t run. I will stay right here,” I lied, looking up at him to see if he believed me.

          “There better be no surprises coming with that deal. We wouldn’t want another accident like the one at the beginning of your first year, now would we?” The way he said accident sent shivers down my spine.

          Gasping for air, I sat up in my bed. It was all a dream, I told myself, trying to calm down. The fact that that was just a dream wasn’t reassuring. There was something I couldn’t understand. How did I know that man? Why was he talking to me and threatening me? What does my dream mean?

          With all of these questions flooding through my head and all the images that I could remember going through my head made me shiver. There was no way that I was going to be able to go back to sleep now.

          Since I had nothing better to do, I grabbed the letter out from under my bed. I had to admit, I was rather curious who it was from.

          As I opened up the envelope and took out the letter, I didn’t realize the handwriting. It read:

        Dear Ava,

                I hope you are doing ok. I miss you lots. There are some great people here with me, like Cindy, who is writing this letter. There are some not so good people here too. They make me mad by teasing me. I heard from some of the other people here that we get to leave our home for the summer if we have someone to take care of us! Will you be home for the summer? I hope you are because I miss you. You can write me back at 2098:09327. I want to hear back from you! I LOVE YOU!




                Also, Cindy says hi and she says that P.S. thing means something that you put at the end of a letter when you have another message. I’m not sure but she is in school and she is in the third grade, so I don’t really question her. I love you!

          Reading her letter brought me to tears. How had she found me? I didn’t mean to question it, but it just seemed so impractical. I remember the look on her face when I told her that I had to leave her there. She wasn’t happy, but she was my trooper!

          I could tell from the letter that she hated the home, even if she didn’t come right out and say it. It was just one of those sister things I guess you could call it, but either way, I had to get out of here for the summer. I was pretty sure that we could, but I had to look into some way to get money, because I have none.

          Tucking the letter back in the envelope, I stuck it back under my bed, hoping that no one else would find it. It’s not that I had a problem with my sister sending me letters. It’s that I didn’t want anyone to know. I didn’t want them to know that I was forced to put my sister into a home and go off to school. It was basically me abandoning her, but I couldn’t bring myself to say it out loud. It couldn’t be true, but if word got out, people would probably think that.

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