Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

          It was unbelievably cold…so cold that I started to shake. Where was I? When I opened my eyes, I saw only black. Well, this was convincing, I thought to myself.

          Then I remembered. That creepy dude, who I am now going to refer to as the creepy guy, had his little henchmen take me here. Where did they put me, a meat locker? Goodness it was cold in here.

          “Maybe that will make you focus on what we should be doing here, so there will be no complications. Yes?” His voice came out of nowhere, or at least nowhere I could see. It bounced off the walls, almost in a haunting manner. It made me feel like I couldn’t escape.

          “What do you want from me?” I hissed. If I could have attacked him at the moment, I would have.

          “Oh no, I wouldn’t try that,” he said as I tried standing up. He started to laugh maliciously when I fell flat on my face. I was chained to the wall by my feet and my hands were tied together very tightly.

          “What do you want from me?” I repeated, only this time, he didn’t get the respect that I had to offer anymore. I was growling at him now.

          “Oh patience, patience, dearie! Those who lose their heads are the easy prey.” His voice went right through me, making me shake even more.

          The room was jet black; I couldn’t see a thing. It was hard to even tell exactly where his voice was coming from, especially with the way that it bounced off the walls.

          Something was in my pocket! Yes, that meant that they hadn’t searched me! My phone started to buzz, causing me to cough like I was terminally ill.

          “Are you alright down there, dearie?” The way he said ‘dearie’ made me want to throw up. There was nothing about him didn’t come across as evil.

          My coughing stopped when the buzzing on my phone stopped. Thank goodness I had left my phone on vibrate, or that would not have worked well at all.

          “I’ll be better when you tell me what you want from me.”

          “Oh, now come on, where is the fun in that?” He started laughing, sounding like a hyena.

          A single beam of light came in, piercing through the darkness. I could finally see what was around me.

          There was a sharp edge on one of the cuffs, sparking an idea. I brought my arms up to my throat, looking around to see if he could see me. “Don’t make me do it,” I hissed. When I heard nothing back, I pierced my skins and a small trickle of blood came out. “If you think I’m bluffing, you can see me continue,” I said smiling.

          When I went to dig it in further, his voice boomed, “Don’t! Don’t do anything irrational now, dearie. I think that we should think this through.” It was clear in his voice that he was still testing whether or not I would actually do it.

          “We can do this the easy way, or the hard way…the hard way being I continue to do this and you never find out what information you want from me.” At that moment, I really wished that I could have seen his face.

          There was a long silence before he spoke again. “Very well then,” he said and almost instantly after light flooded into the room.

          The room that I was in was rather bland, to be honest. The walls were painted a caramel color and nothing was decorated. All that consisted in the room were shackles and handcuffs.

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