The waitress

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Me and Jack decided to go to Nandos for lunch, so far today we have been shopping and jacks had to carry the bags so I thought I would treat him to some lunch. We grab a seat and a waitress came over to take our orders she took mine then jacks, whilst Jack was telling her what he wanted she kept biting her lip and trying to give him the eye... I was not going to have none of it "what do you think your doing *looks at name tag* Kate" I say raising my eyebrow. Kate says nothing but just stares at me "aren't you going to say anything Kate, staring into my soul isn't working" Jack chuckles. Kate turns to Jack and hands him a piece of paper, I take the piece of paper from jacks hand and it has a phone number on it, I rip the piece of paper and say "he won't be needing that" I grab my some of the bags and Jack and walk out of Nandos laughing are heads off.

I got inspiration for this from sitting in McDonald's and seeing this happen to the people opposite me and friends. 😂😂
Sorry it was short but it's a bit different to the other ones

Opinions and thoughts on this would be quite nice

Bye from Indie💜

Jack Maynard Imagines Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora