Photo shoot

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Jacks POV

"Y/n can you come here please" I whine. I hear the pads of feet walking through the apartment. "What's up Jacky" y/n said whilst walking towards me "can you take a couple of photos for my Instagram" i say as I hand her my phone " a please wouldn't hurt" she said with her cheeky grin on her face "Please y/n" "I'm not sure if I want to take any photos" y/n says whilst handing me back my phone she turns to head out of room I can see the smug smile she has on her face. Before she exists the room u grab her from her waist and spin her around, I place her back on solid ground, stills holding onto her waist I whisper into her ear " please babe, I know your teasing me and trying to be funny and it is working so congratulations on that so can you now please take some photos for me" y/n starts giggling and turns to face me in my grip "okay then I'm only doing this because your my boyfriend and I love you" she places her lips on mine whilst her hands reach for my phone in my back pocket, she gets the phone out and tells me to stand by the wall to take photos. "1,...2,...3.... Work it Jack" it's hard to have a serious moment with y/n because all she does is make me laugh but I ain't complaining.
After a few pictures later I took the phone out of her hands and kissed her temple "thanks girly" I said trying to sound like a girl "it's okay babes". We spent most of the night laughing to point where are insides started to hurt.

Cba to read through and check

Bye from Indie💜

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