Act Two: The Missing Stick

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(The stick of truth.)

When I awoken that morning I we still in my druid outfit. It was weird I yawned then went to see if my brother was up. He was sitting in his bed dressed in the KKK amor, he must be fast. I thought to myself as I approached him, "Dovahkiin, are you coming?" He nodded, so I headed downstairs where our mom told me that school was cancelled today and to check it out on the news. I went into the living room as I did I saw Dovahkiin go into the kitchen. On the news there as an earthquake and a Taco Bell is going to be built. Dovahkiin tapped my shoulder I nodded and we headed to the front door but Eric burst through the door telling us that the elves stole the stick last night. He then sent us to get the goths to join the game.

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