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Rihanna has been gone for like forever and I'm getting worried. This has never happened before so why now. Is she cheating on me, is the better question? But I don't think she would do that, would she? I'm going to call Nicki to see if they are together.

Nicki: Hello

Drake: Hey umm is Rihanna with you?

Rihanna: Yes why?

Drake: Baby you ran out on me and I'm worried about you and since when you and Nicki make up?

Rihanna: Can't we just talk when I get hom... OH SHIT HELP MEEE!!

The line disconnected and anger shot through me like a bullet. Where the hell are they at and why the fuck is she screaming help. I got up and called some people that I knew so they could help me find her and Nicki.

I called French Montana, Trey Songz, Breezy, and August. They all had their ways of finding people. French was the tracker,  he's the one who tracks the location. Trey was the planner. He planned out who, what, when, where, how, and why. Breezy was the police officer so if anything went down he would call for back up. Usually, the police wasn't necessary but you never know.

August was the supplier. He would make sure we had all the ammo, the guns, and protection we need. He comes in handy just like everyone else. By the time everybody was here, we were all ready to go. French found the girls at the remote location in the middle of nowhere. One thing I can say about Rihanna is that she is very good at hiding things. French, Trey, Breezy, August, and I got in the truck outside and drove to the location. When we made it there, I saw Rihanna's car and Nicki's purse. What in the... All of a sudden the car was being shot up. August handed me a machine gun and we started blasting them niggas. We drove to the side of the warehouse and the other guys drove away,

"Bro, I think I just saw Meek bitch ass," said August.

"Where," I said.

August pointed over towdrds where a truck was parked and sure enough, it was Meek. I thought Nicki and Rihanna wasn't cool. I swear Rihanna and I need to have a long ass talk. I got out the car to go talk to Meek and when I did, the car started ticking. Everybody got everything and got out of the car. The car blew up and the pieces hit the warehouse so hard that it blew the door right off. Before I knew it, Nicki and Rihanna came rushing towards me. Meanwhile, Meek was sneaking behind Nicki and was reaching for a gun but before I could stop anything, he shot her in her shoulder.  Rihanna grabbed my gun and started shooting everywhere.

Once everyone was dead including Meek bitch ass, Breezy called the ambulance. The ambulance came right away and we all watched as Nicki was carried to the truck. Rihanna was getting a quick check up and Breezy was informing the officers on what took place. August went to the hospital with Nicki and was told to let us know if anything had changed. Everybody else went home and I did too.


All of this shit is my fault and if Nicki dies because of it, I will never forgive myself. Drake looked at me and shook his head as we pulled up to the house. I knew he was going to want an explanation as to why I left and all of that. I got out of the car and we went in the house. I sat on the couch and Drake sat across from me. It felt I was in an interrogation room right now and I committed a crime.

"So where you Rihanna?" Drake said.

"I was with Nicki," I said honestly.

"Don't play games and since when did you and Nicki make up?" he asked.

"We didn't have to because it wasn't her that I had the problem with, it was Meek Mill."

"What were you guys even doing at that warehouse?" he asked standing up.

"Before that whole shoot out thing, I kidnapped Meek and was planning on showing Meek to Nicki. Then, we went in the warehouse and you called and well you know the rest," I said.

"So what happened after that?" Drake asked.

"Meek bitch ass escaped and he called his goons and they tied us up," I said.

"That is when everything else happened right?" said Drake.

"Correct," I said.

He stood up and right before he could say anything, the phone rang. We exchanged looks then he answered.

"Wuzz up August?" he said.

The rest of the phone conversation was really quick and we hurried to drive to the hospital. When we got there, the other police officer besides Chris was there asking questions. I was the first one to get asked questions. I had to decide wether to tell the police I kidnapped Meek or he was just there.

When I told them I kidnapped Meek, they kinda just stared at me. That was the moment I knew I fucked up. The officers stood up and arrested me that second. As I was being carried away, Drake and I exchanged looks one more time before that was the last time I saw him.

When Rihanna was getting carried away, it felt like my heart shattered in twelve different places. But she should have not let her feeling get the best of her neither. I think if Meek bitch ass was still alive, he should be going to jail instead of her. Plus, he did shoot Nicki but Rihanna killed him before any other damage was done. I don't if imma leave her in the jailhouse or bail her out. She needs to learn that her actions have tough consequences. August called me into the hospital room that Nicki is in and whatever the outcome is, I'm prepare for it.

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