Lose You Pt.2

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Previously on Lose You

I jumped in front of the bullet as it fired two times.

Now onto Lose You Part Two

Hours Before The Incident


I left the hospital and got into my bulletproof SUV. When I started the car, my phone started to ring just as I was about to pull off. The caller ID was unknown and I knew this couldn't have been good.

"Helluh?" I said not knowing what to expect.

"August, man I just got word that Nicki broke out of the jail cell they had her in," said Chris.

"Chris, mane why are you calling me off of a private number?" I asked confused.

"Man, I'm at work and all our calls come up as private," said Chris.

"Damn bruh, alright send me her location" I said angrily. I'm about tired of this woman fa real.

"Ight, be safe" said Chris as I hung up the phone.

I drove off towards my crib so I can get prepared for anything this girl had in stored. When I pulled up to my house, another car was in my driveway. I opened up my glove compartment and grabbed my emergency gun. I turned the car off and got out slowly, Not before looking around me just incase. I slowly approached my door and pushed it opened as quietly as possible. My house was dark but I could clearly see where I was walking.


Somebody was upstairs in my room and I'll be damned if someone stole something out of my house. I crept up the stairs and slowly come up on my bedroom door. I opened it up with force prepared for anything and that's when I saw this big, tall nigga in a mask. I cock my gun back ready to shoot, to only have someone behind me put a bag over my head. But that didn't stop ya boy because I still took the shot in front of me. A body dropped then I felt a sharp pain in my side. I lowered the gun and shot however in the knee.

The person screamed and I removed the bag from over my head. Guess who was there? No one other than Meek Mill But he looked a little different. I took the shot anyway and his body dropped as well. I called my clean up men and had them make sure everything was done before I get back from the hospital. I went to my supply room and patched myself up because it was a big gash in my side. After all that, I grabbed a swish blade and kept my gun from earlier just in case.

I ran outside and got in the car speeding to the hospital.


I broke out of jail bitches! But that's besides the point because it's time to claim what's rightfully mine, Drake. See months ago when me and August were "together" we kidnapped Drake and Rihanna as you know. But I had August drug Drake and drop him off at my place. The whole thing was on recording and we did some things. Call it whatever you want to but he was mine to begin with. I showed the tape to Rihanna and watched her pitiful self break down in tears.

She thinks she can kidnap my Meeky and then have him killed because everyone heard about how much of a whore She is. Then she thought that not only was it okay but the fact she could get away with it? Haha bitch you didn't know that the Barbie conquers no matter she does sweetheart? Well, you are about to and don't worry about August. I know that word got around that I broke out of jail and Probably is on his way to me but Meek's twin brother, Robin and his best friend broke into August's house to kill him.

Now with August being dead, I can finally complete my task: Kill Rihanna and take back what's mine, Aubrey. See you soon babes👋🏾

Present Time

I woke up from somebody tapping me and when I awoke, the nurse was letting me know that I had to get up so she can do her morning tests. The nurse turned the machine on to see that Rih was breathing on her own. What a Christmas miracle or so I thought because the tv in the corner of the room flashed an emergency newscast.

Attention everyone who's watching, Onika Marij also known as Nicki Minaj has broken out of prison. We now are getting word that she's out on the streets looking for Robyn Fenty and Aubrey Graham also known as stars Rihanna and Drake!

I stared at the tv in horror and disbelief when suddenly, a voice came from behind I knew all to well.

" I'll take it from here," she said with a sinister laugh towards the end.

With that she took out the nurse by putting a bullet to her skull and came towards me and Rihanna.

I jumped in front of the gun when the two bullets fired and one hit my shoulder and the other bullet grazed my face. I landed on the floor next to Rihanna's bed and I saw Nicki rushing over towards me.

"That wasn't apart of the plan!" Said Nicki as she began to cry.

" I bet this wasn't either," said a raspy voice behind us.

When I looked up, low and behold was my dearly beloved, Robyn Fenty. She put two bullets in Nicki's skull sending her forwards sliding head first into the door. I looked up at Rihanna and she looked down at me. I guess I tried to get up too quickly because the pain from my shoulder prevented me from standing. Just then August ran into the room with his gun in his hand ready to kill but it was already taken care of.

"Rih!" shouted August as he ran over to her and hugged her.

"Hi, August." Rihanna said as best as possible due to the fact that she just woke up out of a six month coma.

Outside the hospital, the police arrived and Chris walked in with his other police friends with a body bag. A nurse walked in behind them too and she checked up on Rihanna and me as well. The good thing is that the bullet passed through my shoulder and I'll only have to wear an arm sling. The bad thing is Rihanna had to stay in the hospital another night so they can be sure that she's okay to go home.

So much for a Christmas miracle right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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