Still Here

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Previously On "Shot For Me"

Bang! Bang!

I looked down at Safaree's Lifeless body and when I looked up, I knew that the plan was ruined. There stood August With Blood stained clothes and Drake sleeping in a wheel chair with an IV in his arm.

Now On To Chapter 14~ "Still Here"


I see August speeding down the road as I try stay playing my role as a lifeless person. I lift my head up and I see St. Waters Hospital banner and I hurry up and put my head back down as August comes to a screeching halt.

"We're here mane just hold on tight."

August opens the back door and pulls me out of the car.

Said August as the hospital staff comes running out the self-opening doors with a wheelchair. 

"What happened, sir?" Said one of the nurses as we are running straight to surgery.

"I was waving my gun and he started pulling on it, trying to take it out of my hand but out of nowhere, it just went off" he said as calm as possible.

I looked up at him and just shook my head cause I knew that he was lying. At this point, we reached the hospital doors and raced against the clock to try and "save me". I laid there and just hoped that the plan would work out. The nurses hit the doors of the operation room and started plugging me up to these IV lines and checking my blood pressure.

"We meed to put this man under surgery to get rid of the bullets..

"But wait, his blood pressure is just fine and he isn't bleeding..

That is when I knew that was the perfect time. I shot straight up from the bed and said my next words as calmly as possible.

"Please help me and my girlfriend Robyn Fenty."


I grabbed the next thing I saw, wrote down the address and put it on the table. One of the nurses called security to the room I was in and I knew that it was about to go down.


I really hope that Drake will make it out alive because I love my best friend (no homo).
I also hope that he doesn't try and pull nothing at this hospital cause I would really hate to have to hurt these innocent people.

"We need security to Room 211 we have a problem."

Ahh shit is what I thought to myself cause I knew I was gone have to set it off. I put the silencer on my gun and went up to the front desk.

"Can I go to Room 211 please my best friend could be seriously in trouble.."

"Sir, did you finish the paper work?" She said with no eye contact.

"Mane that's my mufuckin best friend in there..

"Sir, you are going to have to wa...

I just shot her in the head and kept it moving cause no matter what I will get back to that room. I was passing on coming nurses and they had to die as well. No witnesses.. I got to Drake's room and there was security at the door. But I couldn't waste no time so I just ended them as well. I burst through the doors and shot the nurses I saw. Drake sat there with his eyes open wide cause he knew that wasn't a great decision. I grabbed a needle off the counter and injected it in his neck. He fell back on the bed and was knocked out cold. I ran in the hallway and grabbed a wheel chair so it could be an easy transportation. I pushed Drake onto the chair and wheeled him out of the room.

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