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一 jacob's pov

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一 jacob's pov

our little squad had more people in it. let's just say they weren't the right ones. there was about four other people, two male siblings who moved to another state, a girl who just didn't want to be weird with us anymore, and another girl who got caught with drugs and was expelled from school. we don't bring them up often.

hester telling me that she saw one of the siblings irritated me. just like how alex is iffy about hayes that was me and gio. he knew i didn't like him and he also knew me and hester were close so to get even more on my bad side he tried to have a thing with her.

the idiot even broke her heart. he knew he was moving, didn't tell anyone and left without a word. we figured this out from freya's parents. she had the coolest parents out of all of us to be honest. i saw her parents as like my second set only because my mom wasn't in my life.

nobody messes with hester. they messed with her, they messed with me. believe it or not i even argued with her own parents. probably wasn't the best idea but everything i had to say needed to be said.

kinda like now, i needed to get these emotions out. i loved hester and i always have. me being me i was probably the one who liked cheesy, romantic shit.

that being said i made my father go out and get me something while i made her breakfast. she had a long night and if we were going to be together i wanted no worries for her. i knew how to take care of hester.

hester came downstairs when i was setting the plates down on the table. "morning est," i smiled at her.

"what are you doing?" she asked, picking up the bouquet of daisies out of her seat before sitting.

"just making you happy as i always do."

cute cute !!

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